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有關注美國IPO上市的朋友最近一定聽過有關獨角獸公司WeWork上市失敗的鬧劇。標榜自己為科技公司、以共用辦公 ...全文


Bloomberg considering jump into Democratic presidential race

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is strongly considering entering the race for the 2020 US Democratic presidential nomination, a move that could greatly disrupt the field just three months ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-08

HKMA studying risks and benefits of having own digital currency

During an event marking Hong Kong FinTech Week on Wednesday, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority revealed that it has been conducting a research project to study the application of a central bank digital ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

願景基金虧損近700億 孫正義承認投資犯錯

共享辦公室營運商WeWork大股東日本軟銀(SoftBank)公布錄得14年來首個季度虧損,主席孫正義承認在投 ...全文


軟銀為WeWork減值 季蝕505億

日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)旗下專門投資科技初創的願景基金(Vision Fund),因需為共享辦公室營運 ...全文



地球的海洋面臨諸多威脅,沒有一項能夠迅速解決。儘管如此,我們已經知道解決的辦法,並且如果能達成足夠廣泛的合作聯 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Emma Navarro2019年11月07日

政經外弛內張 港股勿太樂觀

中國與美國甚有機會達成首階段貿易協議,刺激人民幣滙價反彈,到周二終於升穿7算,成為港股過去一個月升市的最大動力 ...全文


SoftBank reports US$8.9 billion loss from Vision Fund

SoftBank Group Corp reported its first quarterly loss in 14 years on Wednesday, with its giant Vision Fund suffering a 970 billion yen (US$8.9 billion) loss on falling valuations of top tech bets such ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06

WeWork still on life support, must cut costs fast: rivals

SoftBank may be rescuing WeWork with a US$9.5 billion cash injection but most rivals say they believe the office space sharing company is still in critical condition. They say for Manhattan-based WeWo ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06

AstraZeneca plans US$1 billion China investment fund with CICC

AstraZeneca said it is launching a new fund with China International Capital Corporation (CICC) to invest US$1 billion in China’s healthcare sector, as it expands its research work in the country, Reu ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06


11月5日,周二。阿里巴巴回歸香港作第二上市,千呼萬喚終有眉目,據報最快本月成事。 同樣千呼萬喚的還有全球最大 ...全文


Apple pledges US$2.5 billion to fight California housing crisis

Apple Inc. said it will commit US$2.5 billion to easing a housing shortage that has driven up prices across California, with most of the money dedicated to funds that will be run either with or by the ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Bothered by all the turmoil? Think of the mega Mark Six jackpot

Most people seemed too preoccupied with the protests that the Halloween snowball for Mark Six came and went with no one winning the jackpot. The protesters did celebrate Halloween by wearing all sorts ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05


近日清華紫光集團及北大方正集團的美元債券價格急跌,這兩家隸屬內地著名高校的企業竟陷入亂局,反映部分中國國企因產 ...全文


Innovative funding platforms reshape startup financing landscape

Investing in early-stage startups requires significant amount of capital and due diligence. For this reason, it was not quite for the average investor in the past. But the continued innovation of fund ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

US to recover US$1 billion from Malaysian fugitive Jho Low

The US Justice Department has struck a deal to recoup US$1 billion in funds allegedly looted from a Malaysian state investment fund by fugitive financier Jho Low, in a record capture for a US anti-cor ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01


美國珠寶零售商蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co.)獲法國LVMH集團提出收購,作價145億美元(約11 ...全文



10月30日,周三。記得老畢初入行時,對沖基金經理被當作神一樣捧上天,索羅斯(George Soros)、羅伯 ...全文


China vows to ease investment curbs, won't force tech transfers

China will eliminate all restrictions on foreign investments not included in its self-styled “negative lists” and also will “neither explicitly nor implicitly” force foreign investors and companies to ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

Li Ka Shing Foundation says donation to help small eateries

Small and medium-scale enterprises in Hong Kong's food and beverage sector will be the first batch of beneficiaries of a HK$1 billion donation from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, the fund announced on Tu ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

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