
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ...150

Exxon aims to sell US$25 billion of assets: report

Exxon Mobil plans to sell up to US$25 billion of oil and gas fields in Europe, Asia and Africa in its biggest asset sales for decades, seeking to free up cash to focus on a handful of mega-projects, R ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-22

中美關係漸行漸遠 人幣難樂觀

中國人民銀行昨日一如預期調低貸款市場報價利率(LPR),隨着內地開始下調各政策利率,為減息周期打開窗口,預料中 ...全文



11月20日,周三。堅持還是放棄?無論成長路上,投資路上,這種艱難抉擇,都會不斷面對,可惜這條必答題,沒有標準 ...全文


Li Ka Shing Foundation launches 2nd phase grants for retailers

The Li Ka Shing Foundation, the charitable organization founded by Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing, will start accepting applications on Monday for the second batch of grants under a HK$1 billion ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-18


風險資產近期受到投資者追捧,在中國與美國有機會達成首階段貿易協議下,新興市場股票早前亦曾表現回勇。不過作為已發 ...全文


軟銀第二願景基金傳開始運作 集資遜目標

外電報道,日本軟銀已經完成第二個願景基金(Vision Fund)的首輪集資工作,集資額遠低於1080億美元目 ...全文


HK economy expected to shrink 1.3% for the year amid protests

Hong Kong has revised down its estimate for economic growth this year amid increasingly violent anti-government protests and trade tensions between the United States and China. The government is now f ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-15

Green markets for equitable growth

The climate crisis and the 2008 financial crisis are two sides of the same coin. Both were born of the same toxic feature of the world’s prevailing economic model: the practice of discounting the futu ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-15

China's Huawei, ZTE 'cannot be trusted': US attorney general

Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp “cannot be trusted,” US Attorney General William Barr said, labeling the Chinese firms a security threat as he backed a proposal to bar US rural wireless carriers from ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-15


中國平安保險(02318)的聯營金融初創平台金融壹賬通(OneConnect Financial Techno ...全文


內地局勢不穩 考慮國債避險

內地10月份經濟數據有惡化跡象,除了工業通縮加劇,新增人民幣貸款只有6613億元人民幣,按年下跌半成,並遠遜預 ...全文



金融市場存在着很多形形色色的市場異象(Market Anomaly),讀者較常聽見(或熟悉)之一,便是「Sel ...全文


3公司今掛牌 飛鶴暗盤破底

中國第二大醫藥研發服務平台康龍化成(03759)昨天起路演,銷售文件披露,康龍化成於11月14日(周四)起招股 ...全文


Taiwan's Yageo to buy Kemet in US$1.8 bln deal

Yageo Corp, the Taiwan-based electronic component manufacturer, has announced plans to acquire US rival Kemet Corp in a deal worth US$1.8 billion. Yageo will offer US$27.20 per Kemet share, representi ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-12

China's Jingye Group in talks to buy British Steel

China’s Jingye Group said on Monday it is in talks to buy British Steel in a deal estimated to be worth about 70 million pounds (US$90 million) that could help protect thousands of British jobs and ea ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

DayDayCook founder turns passion into thriving business

With the rise of mobile internet technology and food delivery apps, city residents spend less time cooking and eating at home nowadays, compared with previous generations. In fact, many young people c ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

Warren Buffett rumored to be seeking top Chinese fund managers

An online rumor has gone viral in China recently, saying that billionaire investor Warren Buffett is planning to invite 10 top-notch fund managers and entrepreneurs from China to meet with him in his ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

Aramco prospectus flags risks, gives few details on IPO size

Saudi state oil giant Aramco will sell up to 0.5 percent of its shares to individual retail investors and will be restricted from issuing additional shares for a year after the initial public offering ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11


資產配置方法眾多。前文〈股債組合 須慎重選擇〉及〈淺談風險平價策略〉討論了配置資金及配置風險的重要分別,並解釋 ...全文



中國與美國有機會達成首階段貿易協議,中方冀以每年採購高達500億美元美國農產品,作為換取美方撤銷關稅的條件,令 ...全文


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