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油價急升機會微 無阻幣策續寬鬆

中美兩國達成首階段貿易協議,市場憧憬帶動經濟回暖以至原油需求,刺激油價攀升,布蘭特期油曾突破66美元,會否繼豬 ...全文



強積金(MPF, Mandatory Provident Fund)絕不是Must Paid Fund! 「積 ...全文



自從中美傾掂數達成首階段協議後,全球股市氣氛高漲,美股連續第五個交易日造好,標普500指數僅差8點升至3200 ...全文



香港上海滙豐銀行副主席兼亞太區行政總裁王冬勝表示,在現時瞬息萬變的新時代,保持穩定的營運表現已相當不容易,面對 ...全文


物管熱方興未艾 寶龍商業可認購

內地物業管理公司來港上市的熱潮方興未艾,兩隻同類新股保利物業(06049)及時代鄰里(09928)上周四(12 ...全文


SoftBank's Son wants AI mandatory subject for Japan students

SoftBank Group Corp. chief executive Masayoshi Son said on Tuesday Japan should make artificial intelligence (AI) a mandatory subject for college entrance exams, to counter the yawning gap with the Un ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-17

疑違施樂受託責任 或早悉收購計劃

對沖基金及金融大鱷過去幾年都對併購交易虎視眈眈,趁機從中取利。外電報道,邁阿密消防員退休金(Miami Fir ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月17日

入場費5050元 引重量級基投

內地物管股接力招股,由寶龍地產(01238)分拆的寶龍商業管理(09909)昨天首日招股,雖然孖展反應未如保利 ...全文


Troubles of HK Airlines and Taiwan's Far Eastern Air Transport

Taiwanese carrier Far Eastern Air Transport (FAT) suddenly ceased operations on Friday. Founded in 1957, FAT was the first carrier in Taiwan. It continued to control over half of the island’s domestic ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-16

貿談報喜 恒指挑戰28000

中美貿易談判傳來好消息,刺激亞洲股市於上周五普遍上揚,由於區內股市一直受制於貿易戰不明朗因素,如今有望向好的方 ...全文



講得出就做得到。幾年前,沙地阿拉伯王儲穆罕默德(Mohammad Bin Salman)揚言改革國家,把不同政 ...全文


Germany's Delivery Hero to buy Korea's Woowa in US$4 bln deal

Germany’s Delivery Hero has agreed to buy Woowa Brothers, which operates South Korea's largest food delivery app, in a US$4 billion deal. Announcing the deal on Friday, Woowa said the sale was "a surv ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-13

REIT listing activities pick up in Hong Kong

December is the second consecutive month that a new stock from the commercial property space has listed on the local exchange. ESR Cayman (01821.HK), a Beijing-based logistics operator with portfolio ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-13

Facebook pledges US$130 mln to content oversight board

Facebook said on Thursday that it has committed an initial US$130 million to fund an independent oversight board that will handle tasks in relation to content decisions. The board will be able to make ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-13

Twitter plans 'decentralized standard' for social networks

Twitter plans to set up an independent research group to create an "open and decentralized" system for social networks, CEO Jack Dorsey said on Wednesday, Reuters reports. The system, or "standard," w ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

Weinstein reaches tentative settlement with accusers: NY Times

Harvey Weinstein and the board of his bankrupt film studio have reached a tentative US$25 million settlement with dozens of women who accused the former Hollywood producer of sexual misconduct, The Ne ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

經濟回暖基建上馬 銅鐵礦股博大翻身

近期環球經濟好轉,歐美和中國經濟數據改善,連日本第三季GDP增長亦大幅上修,推動銅與鐵礦石價格上揚。隨着全球製 ...全文


US Army to fund rare earths plant for weapons devt: report

The US Army plans to fund construction of rare earths processing facilities, part of an urgent push by Washington to secure domestic supply of the minerals used to make military weapons and electronic ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

Where is the AMR rebellion?

The threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is being overshadowed by the menace of climate change. Though the AMR problem is arguably equal in importance, it has not commanded nearly the same level o ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

4新股齊登場 揀物管新丁

臨近年尾,本港新股市場仍然相當熱鬧,4隻新股於本周同時進行公開招股,上市集資總額最多83.19億元。觀乎今年市 ...全文


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