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中美貿易樂觀 澳元望扭弱勢

白宮貿易顧問周一表示,中美第一階段貿易協議可能會在下周簽署,但稱將由美國總統特朗普或貿易代表予以確認。美國總統 ...全文


2020變數多 美股宜中短線部署

2019年美股收官在即,作為今年環球表現最好的主要股市之一,市場對美股明年早段表現寄予厚望,目前以能源、健康護 ...全文


九毛九今招股 6666元入場

內地餐飲集團九毛九國際(09922)今起招股,合共發售3.334億股,當中一成作公開發售,招股價介乎5.5元至 ...全文


澳元望扭弱勢 紐滙可續走高

正值聖誕假期,假日氣氛濃厚,滙市表現淡靜。美中關係緩和提振冒險人氣,澳元升見五個月高位。針對備受關注的中美第一 ...全文


新百利融資(08439) 須予披露的交易

新百利融資(08439) 須予披露交易 認購THE CLIMATE IMPACT ASIA FUND(401K ...全文


保誠(02378) 其他-業務發展最新情況

保誠(02378) 保誠旗下瀚亞完成收購 Thanachart Fund(179KB, pdf) ...全文


俄擬動用財富基金 購俄儲行或吸黃金

俄羅斯財長西盧安諾夫(Anton Siluanov)周四表示,政府計劃動用國家財富基金(National We ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月27日

Thousands join rally in support of curbs-hit protester aid group

Thousands of people gathered at Edinburgh Place in Central on Monday night, voicing their support for Spark Alliance, a fundraising platform that has been helping arrested protesters over the years be ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Electric vehicle startup Rivian gets US$1.3 bln in new funding

Electric vehicle startup Rivian has closed a US$1.3 billion financing round led by fund manager T. Rowe Price and with the participation of existing investors Amazon and Ford Motor, Reuters reports. T ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Candy Crush等創辦人 籌組環保衝擊基金

熱門遊戲Candy Crush的製造商King Digital、支付服務公司Klarna及Minecraft的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月24日

英倫銀行棄全球化 新舵手搵本地薑

雖然慢條斯理,但只要鍥而不捨,最終也可以達到目的。英倫銀行候任行長貝利(Andrew Bailey)的管理風格 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年12月24日

How a pest-control firm aims to ride the Ag-biotech future

Given the growing concern and worries about climate change, investors around the globe are increasingly betting on a sustainable path in agriculture. Agriculture-related biotechnology, such as biofert ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

Activist hedge fund Marcato Capital to shut down: report

Activist hedge fund Marcato Capital Management, backed by Blackstone Group and billionaire William Ackman, is shutting down as assets have shriveled after two years of poor returns, Reuters reports, c ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

標指今年漲逾兩成 專家料美股明年難大升

美國股市今年的回報超過20%,但按照以往表現分析,明年的美國股市表現很可能顯著放緩。除了統計數據外,分析員與基 ...全文



中美兩國達成首階段貿易協議,而擾攘多年的英國脫歐進程亦見曙光,歐洲股市受惠兩大利好因素,投資氣氛向好,反映歐羅 ...全文


Four arrested over alleged misuse of protester support fund

Four people were arrested on Thursday for alleged offences in connection with a fund that aims to help Hong Kong protesters who face legal or financial troubles amid the pro-democracy fight. Arresting ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-20

Goldman Sachs may pay US$2 billion to settle 1MDB probes: report

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is in talks with the US government and a state regulator to possibly pay up to US$2 billion and admit guilt to resolve investigations into its role in the 1MDB Malaysian corru ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-20


全球股市將創紀錄漲勢延續至2020年又少了三個障礙:英國大選結果為脫歐帶來一定的確定性,中美初步貿易協定只待簽 ...全文


JPMorgan wins nod for majority-owned securities JV in China

JPMorgan said it has received the final approval from Chinese regulators to set up a majority-owned securities venture in the country, Reuters reports. The joint venture’s services will include broker ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19


正如我之前提及,有一系列的因子誕生,一些近乎愚蠢,一些卻甚具競爭力。後者包括「質量型」和「低波動性」。兩個因子 ...全文


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