
共 3000 個結果
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Li Ka Shing Foundation says donation to help small eateries

Small and medium-scale enterprises in Hong Kong's food and beverage sector will be the first batch of beneficiaries of a HK$1 billion donation from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, the fund announced on Tu ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

Bitcoin mining machine firm Canaan Creative shifts IPO to Nasdaq

Canaan Creative, one of China’s biggest bitcoin mining hardware makers, has filed to publicly list on the Nasdaq to raise US$400 million, marking at least its third attempt to do so after previous fai ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

China adjusts to the New World Order

On October 1, the People’s Republic of China celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding with impressive military and civilian parades meant to showcase the extraordinary progress the country has ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

Virgin Galactic soars before crashing to earth in NYSE debut

Richard Branson-backed Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. fetched a valuation of around US$2.3 billion on its market debut on Monday, after shares in the first publicly traded space tourism company popped ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

Trump: US to cooperate with 'like-minded' nations on 5G networks

US President Donald Trump said the United States plans to cooperate with “like-minded nations” to promote security in next-generation 5G networks, Reuters reports. In a letter to delegates at the 2019 ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29


不少人視寵愛的貓狗如至親,一旦寵物抱恙,主人便大為緊張。美國初創Modern Animal主攻獸醫遙距診症服務 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月29日

Technology can help in dealing with mental health issues

Depression is widespread in Hong Kong, especially in these days of unrest. A recent study by a research team from the University of Hong Kong faculty of medicine has described the mental health proble ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Argentina's Peronists sweep back into power as Macri ousted

Argentina’s Peronists swept back into power on Sunday, ousting conservative President Mauricio Macri in an election result that shifts Latin America’s No. 3 economy firmly back toward the left after i ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

美國利率料趨近零 短年期債息或受追捧

美國股市本周焦點是聯儲局公布議息結果。有債券基金經理認為,聯儲局不單止本周很可能調低基準利率,未來也將繼續減息 ...全文


華為海外發展勢鬆綁 5G概念可取

受累生產者物價指數(PPI)萎縮,內地9月份規模以上工業企業利潤的跌幅,一如所料擴大,反映中國製造業的內部及外 ...全文



金融市場變化不斷,10年前的新知識,今日已是常識;面對未來10年,無論是投資者或從業員均要明白天天增值的重要, ...全文



上期本來想形容香港現在是個天空經濟狀態,後來在校稿時,忽然想到,改為「天空之城」更搶眼,不過,大家千萬別將此與 ...全文



之前本欄談過,內地不少政府引導的基金,目前已經達到4萬億元(人民幣.下同)左右的規模。這麼大筆的國家資金,參考 ...全文


A new approach to protecting gig workers

In the United States and other advanced industrial economies, a growing number of workers no longer work for a single employer on a traditional contract. Instead, they earn income through a variety of ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

公私營合作 建2萬平價住宅

美國三藩市灣區鄰近科技基地矽谷,吸引全球企業進駐,惟亦推高當地樓價。社交媒體Facebook(fb)承諾,將撥 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月24日

淨贖回緩和 股市今季重新吸資

過去兩年中美貿易戰、美國息口轉變等因素,左右股債市場資金流向,今年本港投資者鍾情債券基金,可謂絕無意外,皆因債 ...全文


美充電站泊位平台 B輪融資獲9360萬

電動車近年大行其道,但基建配套不足,充電站一位難求。總部設於美國洛杉磯的EV Connect提供雲端管理平台, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月24日

Police say water cannon vehicle deployed to protect mosque

Police reiterated that the spraying of blue dye at the mosque in Tsim Sha Tsui on Sunday was an unfortunate accident, and that the real intention of the operation was to protect the compound from radi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-22

SoftBank's WeWork financing would lead to Neumann's exit: report

SoftBank Group offered close to US$10 billion to WeWork owner The We Company, its employees and its investors on Monday under a plan to keep the struggling US office-space sharing firm afloat that wou ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-22

重新聚焦季績 滬指或失2900關

中國第三季GDP增長6%,差過預期。事實上,今年消費對中國GDP增長貢獻已回落至近年較低水平,反而要靠備受貿易 ...全文


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