
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...150

Iran ready to talk to US if sanctions lifted: Rouhani

... the 2015 pact – said on Sunday they were preoccupied by the escalation of tensions in the Gulf region and the risk the nuclear deal might fall apart. “We believe that the time has come to act responsi ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15

US lawmakers seek to bar big tech firms from financial services

... f Finance Act”, describes a large technology firm as a company mainly offering an online platform service with at least US$25 billion in annual revenue. “A large platform utility may not establish, ma ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15

美民主黨據報擬立法 禁科技巨擘發數碼貨幣

... f Finance Act)。法案把科技巨擘的定義列為一間年收入逾250億美元,同時經營網絡平台的企業。法案指 ...全文


Time to act on 'medical hegemony'

... hey can practice as a registered medical practitioner in Hong Kong. Under the new proposal, overseas specialists can get a full license as long as they have worked for the Hospital Authority, the Depa ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-12

IBM proposes changes to law on user content liability

... s Decency Act (CDA 230), which exempts developers of online services from lawsuits stemming from user-posted content such as restaurant reviews or social media photos. “We simply believe companies sho ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

Fed's Powell sets stage for rate cut this month amid trade war

... s. Those factors have conspired to pose a serious risk of ending the economic expansion by pushing growth and inflation lower. Powell used an appearance before his congressional overseers in Washingto ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11


... imination Act)都禁止醫療健康保險公司蒐集、獲取或使用基因檢測訊息。不過對於其他險種如壽險、長期護 ...全文


Message to our youth: Don't give up hope!

... misguided act of self-sacrifice, including violence or suicide, is not worth it. All of us must stay united at this critical moment so as to continue with our fight, and hence my plea: please live for ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10

Japan, South Korea raise stakes in dispute over forced labor

... ailure to act in response to a ruling by one of its courts last October ordering Japan’s Nippon Steel Corp. to compensate former forced laborers. Japan says the issue of forced labor was fully settled ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10


... orization Act),將禁止中國無人機用於軍事用途,原因是美國官員愈來愈擔心對中國無人機的依賴,可能會 ...全文


British Airways faces US$230 million fine over data theft

...  criminal act to steal customers’ data. We have found no evidence of fraud/fraudulent activity on accounts linked to the theft,” he said, adding an apology to customers for any inconvenience caused. W ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08


美國參議院上周通過《國防授權法案》(National Defense Authorization Act),將 ...全文


Fed faces tougher task in deciding whether to cut US rates

... ledge to “act as appropriate” to sustain the economic expansion, with possible rate cuts in coming months, but they notably cited a strengthening jobs market and described recent weak inflation as due ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

逆境力強 道富銀行升勢在即

... odd-Frank Act supervisory stress testing)兩部,在這次的CCAR發布中 ...全文


Listen to the cry of our youth

I have always been against any act of violence.  All sorts of violence are totally unacceptable, whether it is the excessive use of force by the police against protesters during the June 12 clashes, o ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

Lagarde is the right choice

... f her own actions as finance minister. EU institutions have conspicuously failed to undertake a similar reckoning. Her willingness to admit mistakes and learn from them is rare and welcome. Lagarde’s ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

行動基因落戶科學園 配對癌症療法

來自台灣的行動基因(ACT Genomics)落戶香港科學園,開設實驗室,並提供次世代定序技術(Next-ge ...全文



... hina will act to protect Hong Kong’s interests. The 62, ...全文



來自台灣的行動基因(ACT Genomics)昨天於科學園開設其在香港的首個實驗室,邀得食物及衞生局前局長、現 ...全文


The first step to mend fences with young people is to listen

The storming of the Legislative Council complex by radical protesters on Monday undoubtedly constitutes an act of violence. Violence must be condemned, and police have every right to bring those who h ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-04

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