
共 2016 個結果
頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...101

Public hospitals under great pressure as Covid-19 cases rise

... itive for Covid-19, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong to 682, plus one probable case. Some patients confirmed to have contracted the disease have to wait one or two days before ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Big banks delay job cuts to deal with virus

...  amid the Covid-19 epidemic, the industry is reportedly hiring more IT staff as they play a key role in setting up and maintaining a network for their colleagues to work from home, teaching them how t ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Switzerland concentrates on fiscal relief amid virus crisis

Amid the Covid-19 crisis, daily infections across European countries and the United States continue to increase, with Switzerland matching Italy's record in cumulative infections per capita. The surgi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Welcome to the post-virus world

We live now in the post-virus world. For the United States, passage into this world came suddenly, less than a month ago. The world as we knew it before the arrival of COVID-19 has gone. It is never c ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

US inks deals with J&J, Moderna for possible virus vaccines

... cally for Covid-19, the respiratory disease that has killed more than 35,000 people and infected over 745,000 globally in just a few months. No vaccine is expected to be ready for use until at least 2 ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

The world must not forget climate change

If the current coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is that our interconnected, globalized economies and societies are highly vulnerable to sudden shocks. The Covid-19 outbreak, and the hor ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

肺疫域名大熱 掀註冊炒賣潮
COVID-19相關達6.8萬個 科企禁售遏歪風

... ,指今年與冠狀病毒(COVID-19)相關的域名增至6.8萬個,不少跟垃圾郵件發送者及網絡犯罪分子有關;部分域 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月31日


... 衞生組織把它正名為「COVID-19」,一時議論紛紛,更帶出了不同國家及人士的不同立場,把針對疫情本身的注意力 ...全文



... 人「長相廝守」。究竟COVID-19的葫蘆賣什麼藥?我們現在所知不多,只能「見招拆招」,來一招「兵來將擋,水來 ...全文


Covid-19: Staying home is not just common sense but a duty

The Covid-19 outbreak is among the most challenging and calamitous crises to have struck our city in recent years – and, for a city like Hong Kong, this is saying quite something. Despite the best eff ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Govt to launch new round of relief fund for virus-hit businesses

... spread of Covid-19 have severely affected the business operations of certain establishments and the livelihood of their employees. Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on Friday unveiled measure ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Covid-19 cases jump to 641; another police officer falls victim

Hong Kong continued to record a worrying spike in Covid-19 cases, with the tally of confirmed infections in the city rising to 641 over the weekend. According to the Health Department's Centre for Hea ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Internet firms not immune to economic impact from Covid-19

Internet and technology stocks have been relatively resilient amid the recent market sell-offs triggered by the coronavirus outbreak. The common rationale is that people are using more digital service ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Foreseeable unforeseeables

Events like the Covid-19 pandemic, the US housing market crash of 2007-2009, and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, are often called “black swans”. The term is meant to suggest that no one could ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Waging war on Covid-19

...  war, the Covid-19 pandemic is not a choice or a competition. No ceasefire can be reached, no treaty signed. And, with no known vaccine or effective cure, the world has few weapons with which to fight ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

A gender lens for Covid-19

... ponses to Covid-19 – or any health emergency – this must change. Girls and women experience outbreaks differently than boys and men. A gender lens highlights the specific risks and vulnerabilities gir ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

OneWeb files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, cuts jobs

... ct of the Covid-19 crisis,” chief executive Adrian Steckel said, referring to the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus that emerged from China late last year. The satellite operator est ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Spain toughens restrictions as Covid-19 death toll surges

Spain announced a strengthening of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus as death toll mounted from the Covid-19 disease, Reuters reports. On Sunday, the death toll rose by 838 overnight to 6 ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

開市焦點:道期挫近300點 恒指或低開逾500點

... 、推銷及出售,就進行COVID-19 測試的檢測試劑盒。股份申請今早復牌,停牌前報1.06元,升0.28元或三 ...全文



... ?在今次新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)爆發之前,宏觀經濟正在持續增長,銀行有足夠的償付能力,可以說基本面總體良 ...全文


頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...101

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