Tesla wants to steal Porsche’s bragging rights by testing its Model S on the northern loop of Germany’s Nuerburgring circuit, using a marketing tool that German carmakers have long used to tout the su ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-19
Forty-nine thousand workers of General Motors (GM) went on strike in the US from Monday, the biggest protest by the United Automobile Workers union (UAW) since 2007, amid a dispute over contract negot ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-18
2019年的中秋節,早上起來後窗外天陰有雨,一邊吃頭痛藥一邊有點忐忑:「不知機場會否有群眾事件?」還好這天沒有 ...全文
美國《福布斯》雜誌發布2019年全美最具創新力的100位領袖排行榜,亞馬遜創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos) ...全文
黃啟綱(Sunny)公司開發的Chatbot(聊天機械人),遍及香港各大公司的網站、Facebook、微信等客 ...全文
近年提起「雙馬」,通常聯想到阿里巴巴董事局主席馬雲,以及騰訊(00700)主席馬化騰,但其實「馬姓猛人」尚有很 ...全文
After Tesla’s founder Elon Musk admitted to taking pills to sleep in an interview with the New York Times, the share price of the electric car maker tanked 9 percent in a single day. This shows how im ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-23
X教授(Professor X)能成為X-men領袖,靠的是「用腦」,telekinetic powers(念 ...全文
Two years ago, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk founded Neuralink Corporation, a tech startup that aims to build implants that connect the human brain to artificial intelligence systems. Some former ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-01
電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)公布,截至6月底止第二季淨虧損4.08億美元(約31.8億港元),較去年同期虧 ...全文
據外媒Electrek報道,美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)證實,從第二季開始在加州費利蒙(Fremont ...全文
Tesla Inc. missed financial targets in the second quarter despite record deliveries of its electric vehicles, adding that the carmaker will break even this quarter, rather than post a profit, Reuters ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-25
微軟宣布向美國初創企業OpenAI投放10億美元(78億港元)資金,以協助其開發通用人工智能(Artifici ...全文
半世紀前的1969年7月20日,美國太空人杭思朗(Neil Armstrong)踏足月球,為人類探索太空譜寫里 ...全文