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公私營合作 建2萬平價住宅

美國三藩市灣區鄰近科技基地矽谷,吸引全球企業進駐,惟亦推高當地樓價。社交媒體Facebook(fb)承諾,將撥 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月24日

淨贖回緩和 股市今季重新吸資

過去兩年中美貿易戰、美國息口轉變等因素,左右股債市場資金流向,今年本港投資者鍾情債券基金,可謂絕無意外,皆因債 ...全文


美充電站泊位平台 B輪融資獲9360萬

電動車近年大行其道,但基建配套不足,充電站一位難求。總部設於美國洛杉磯的EV Connect提供雲端管理平台, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月24日

Police say water cannon vehicle deployed to protect mosque

Police reiterated that the spraying of blue dye at the mosque in Tsim Sha Tsui on Sunday was an unfortunate accident, and that the real intention of the operation was to protect the compound from radi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-22

SoftBank's WeWork financing would lead to Neumann's exit: report

SoftBank Group offered close to US$10 billion to WeWork owner The We Company, its employees and its investors on Monday under a plan to keep the struggling US office-space sharing firm afloat that wou ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-22

重新聚焦季績 滬指或失2900關

中國第三季GDP增長6%,差過預期。事實上,今年消費對中國GDP增長貢獻已回落至近年較低水平,反而要靠備受貿易 ...全文



金庸筆下的武林高手,有時為怕自己的武藝失傳,會撰寫秘笈流傳後世。前文介紹的全天候策略(All Weather ...全文



上星期中美貿易談判稍有曙光,之前大陸網民對NBA凶神惡煞的表現馬上被官方壓下來,QQ繼而宣布繼續廣播球賽。大陸 ...全文


China GDP grows at slowest pace in nearly 30 years

China’s third-quarter economic growth slowed more than expected and to its weakest pace in almost three decades as the bruising US trade war hit factory production, Reuters reports. Gross domestic pro ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

Goldman wants traders to be more like dealmakers and coders

Over the past decade or so, Goldman Sachs Group has watched its annual trading profits fall 84 percent, as post-financial crisis regulations upended Wall Street. Now, bank executives are hoping they h ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

Johnson confident parliament will back his Brexit deal

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed confidence that British lawmakers will back the Brexit deal he clinched with the European Union, saying most agreed it was time to “get this ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

Govt expands tech programs to lure talent, boost infrastructure

The administration has pledged to strengthen and step up the implementation of various initiatives in the field of technology and innovation. In her policy address on Wednesday, Chief Executive Carrie ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-17

Facebook confident Libra will win enough financial backers

Facebook, whose digital currency project Libra has been abandoned by several high-profile partners including PayPal, Visa and Mastercard, still expects to get 100 banks and financial firms on board on ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-17


《日本經濟新聞》(Nikkei)報道,日本軟銀正在洽商,向WeWork提供50億美元(390億港元)資金,拯救 ...全文


自家基金輸清盤 英股神遭掃出門

有英國「股神」之稱的伍德福德(Neil Woodford)在3月笑言自己可能「在兩年半內玩完」,豈料一語成讖, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月17日

經濟下行未紓壓 寬鬆財策可解厄

內地9月份消費物價指數(CPI)按年升3%,升幅創近6年新高,加上同期新增貸款及社會融資規模增量皆超過預期,通 ...全文


Carrie Lam vows every Hong Kong family will have their own home

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on Wednesday unveiled measures aimed at making homes more affordable and easing the housing shortage amid the escalating civil unrest that has beset her admi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16


有「英國股神」之稱的伍德福德(Neil Woodford)創辦及管理的旗艦股票基金Equity Income ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月16日

WeWork攬炒 軟銀難搞

共享辦公室營運商WeWork窮途末路,由於現金短絀,必須在11月底前完成新一輪融資。WeWork自視為科技公司 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月16日

Crypto exchange Binance meets resistance in pivot to China

Chinese-Canadian billionaire Zhao Changpeng has seen better times as far as his cryptocurrency business is concerned. Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange Zhao set up in 2017, processed transactions wor ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

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