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美國經濟增長放慢,惟在已發展國家中仍屬最穩健,除了靠強勁的就業及消費市道支撐,美國的私營固定投資增長亦發揮一定 ...全文


Four collision courses for the global economy

In the classic game of “chicken,” two drivers race directly toward each other, and the first to swerve is the “loser.” If neither swerves, both will probably die. In the past, such scenarios have been ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

US lawmakers propose US$1 bln fund to replace Huawei equipment

A US House panel unveiled bipartisan legislation this week that would authorize US$1 billion for small and rural wireless providers to replace network equipment from companies such as Huawei Technolog ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

逾40億購腦神經介面科企 fb開發念力操控電腦

憑藉腦念力與電腦溝通來控制機器,一向是科幻片常見的情節。有指Facebook(fb)看中人機交互技術,收購腦神 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月25日


上星期美元市場出現短暫流動性緊張情況。美元overnight repo利率在周二(9月17日)飆升至最高10% ...全文


【異動股】嘉年華飆36% 景百孚辭任主席 引資海通

嘉年華國際(00996)曾飆36.4%,見0.045元,現升18.2%,成交額4820萬元。 集團公布,景百孚 ...全文


'You stole my dreams': Teen activist tells UN climate summit

Teenage activist Greta Thunberg angrily denounced world leaders on Monday for failing to tackle climate change, unleashing the outrage felt by millions of her peers in the heart of the United Nations ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24

Boeing to pay 737 MAX crash victims' families US$144,500 each

Boeing Co. will pay the families of 346 people killed in two fatal 737 MAX crashes US$144,500 each from a US$50 million financial assistance fund announced in July, Reuters reports, citing the fund’s ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24


外電報道,日本軟銀正研究撤換共享辦公室營運商WeWork母公司We Company行政總裁(CEO)諾伊曼(A ...全文


貿談再添不明朗 港股下望25500

中美關係再度緊張,因美國總統特朗普又口出狂言,揚言毋須在明年美國大選前跟中國達成貿易協議,並形容中國是「對世界 ...全文



「We only live once, so I want to think big.」日本軟銀集團(Soft ...全文


China state fund CIC cautious of US investment amid trade war

China Investment Corp. said on Friday the Sino-US trade war has made it more cautious about investing in the United States, after the Chinese sovereign wealth fund posted a dive in yearly profit, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20


最近接受了Morningstar個人理財總監Christine Benz的訪問。以下是訪問內容。 Christ ...全文


國慶月例旺消費股 短炒為妙

內地十一國慶長假期臨近,估計有機會帶旺國內消費市道。根據過往統計,消費類股票在10月份錄得升幅的機會較多,投資 ...全文


Atlantia CEO resigns in Benetton-led reorganization

The Benettons ushered in a change of guard at Italian infrastructure group Atlantia, replacing its powerful chief executive with a management committee, as they move to deal with the fallout from a de ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18

Sony rejects US hedge fund's call to spin off chip business

Sony said on Tuesday that it has rejected a call by Daniel Loeb’s activist hedge fund Third Point to spin off the firm's semiconductor business. The company is of the view that retaining the operation ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-17

資產管理業全面開展 冀成下一秩經濟動力

每秩十年,香港作為國際金融中心,業界相信下一個十年本地金融業應可在不斷求變中仍然發光。其中資產管理行業,更可望 ...全文



歐洲央行再度「放水」,期望振興經濟並刺激通脹升至目標水平,從投資角度,歐羅區繼續維持負利率水平,對歐洲增長型股 ...全文



近期關於風投界比較震撼的新聞,莫過於WeWork在美國IPO以200多億美元估值作為基礎定價,但投資者好像沒什 ...全文


US, China tariffs could lower global GDP by 0.8% in 2020: IMF

Tariffs imposed or threatened by the United States and China could shave 0.8 percent off global economic output in 2020 and trigger more losses in future years, the International Monetary Fund said. I ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-13

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