... pite the fact that there have been no extradition arrangements with mainland China or Taiwan. As such, the solicitors' group is wondering why there is a sudden need for legislation, although the gover ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-06
... f that impact comes from negative effects on business confidence and financial market sentiment. “The fact is that protectionist measures are not only hurting growth and jobs, but they are also making ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-06
... 張(We will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion), ...全文
... Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). He served two years in prison in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, and was put on parole for three years. Alstom ended up paying US$770 million fines to the US. In 2014, Gen ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-04
... could in fact be largely determined by luck! In the context of criticizing the peer review system of the National Institute of Health (NIH), the primary US government agency for biomedical and public ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-03
... Security Act)終於在1935年獲參眾兩院以壓倒性多數通過。經濟大蕭條徹底改變美國民眾和政客思維, ...全文
... ic Powers Act對付墨西哥;一年多前,他則以威脅國家安全(nation security)這荒謬的理 ...全文
... cial interaction. In an age when media awareness is crucially important, both women, but Lam more than May, barely bother to conceal their impatience with media questioning and they are wretchedly poo ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-31
... 9 and a practicing Catholic, Chief Executive Carrie Lam ought to be familiar with this Sermon on the Mount. It remains to be seen whether she would initiate the ripping and rending of the countless op ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-31
... ithdrawal Act 2018 stipulated, the UK would leave the EU on March 29, 2019, only to renege on this twice, shifting it first to April 12, and then to October 31, the current departure date. Many people ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-31
... day that “acting like one is revering the Leader in front [of others] but dreaming of something else when one turns around, is an anti-Party, anti-revolutionary act that has thrown away the moral fide ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-31
... sition to act as gatekeeper. The legal community is worried that it will be put in a difficult position when handling cases pertaining to requests for transfer of fugitives to mainland China. Chief ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-30
... roduction Act III rare earths mineral report. According to a Pentagon website, that program gives the US president “broad authority to ensure the timely availability of essential domestic industrial r ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-30
... orization Act (NDAA) unconstitutional in an update to the lawsuit brought by the company in March. The NDAA bill, passed into law by the US Congress last summer, places a broad ban on federal agencies ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-29
... Corrupt Practices Act)逮捕,並且罪成入獄,去年九月獲釋。訟事期間,阿爾斯通被處以七億多美 ...全文
... nduct any act to enforce the law or collect evidence. Cheng said Hui must have known it was dishonest to read and upload information in the phone he grabbed without consent, or he would not have after ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-28
... take some action of its own against individual US enterprises to show America what is at stake, the argument goes. Amid the calls for revenge on American firms and their products, there is one name th ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-28
... orization Act或NDAA)。 今年3月,美國總統特朗普要求國會撥款7500億元作為國防經費,以建造 ...全文