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... Sébastien Guèze)分別飾演茱麗葉和羅密歐,並由法國指揮大師琵安理亞(Benjamin Pionn ...全文


Urban legends about Taikoo Sugar and Mount Parker cable car

...  grown in Guangdong province, and it was quite common to see people chewing sugarcanes in Hong Kong at the time. Table sugar, today's most common form of sugar, is manufactured in a refinery where raw ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-29


女兒最近愛上日本動畫人物「梳乎蛋」(蛋黃哥,Gu-de-ta-ma由Hello Kitty母公司Sanrio於 ...全文


Trading halted for first time as China stock markets tumble 7%

... ore the regular close. Selling intensified after a brief 15-minute trading halt early in the afternoon when the main indexes had shed 5 percent, and activity in Shanghai and Shenzhen was halted for th ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-04

Europe football moves seen setting stage for China World Cup bid

... ick said. Gu Xin, from Beijing-based sports marketing firm Yutang Sports, said Chinese investors also see potentially rich economic returns from European football. Owning stakes in the likes of Atleti ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14

China insurers still gauging losses from Tianjin blasts

... president Guo Shengchen (郭生臣) acknowledged that there is a large number of insurance policies covering storage facilities, homes and corporate assets that were destroyed or affected by the explosions, ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-01

Japan retail giant to launch three-day weekend

... ss-market GU stores. Amid criticism of its its working conditions, Fast Retailing has been taking a series of steps toward bringing overtime hours to zero and promoting the employment status of part-t ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-20

Former top Chinese general gets life sentence

A former top Chinese general has been sentenced to a de facto life sentence for corruption, state media said. Gu Junshan, a former lieutenant general and deputy head of logistics in the People’s Liber ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-11

Why print media in Hong Kong is entering an ice age

... hinese-language newspapers used to hit the street every day. But in the 2000s, when free newspapers appeared in the market, paid newspapers suffered greatly in circulation revenue and advertising doll ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-17

The Shanghai Soup Dumpling Index

...  public figure on WeChat when he teamed up with his friend Ailadi Cortelleti to create the Shanghai Soup Dumpling Index, a scientific study rating Shanghai soup dumplings from 52 restaurants. The stud ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-02

Car insurance premiums seen steady as reform rolls in

... icy, said Guo Shengchen, vice chairman and president of PICC Property and Casualty Ltd (PICC P&C, 02328.HK), said. But he expects the changes to proceed "steadily, with no be big jumps or falls [i ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-31

Uniqlo to hasten overseas expansion amid falling yen

... ier brand GU is planning to expand to Hong Kong after opening in Shanghai, Taiwan and other overseas markets. Uninqlo posted 57.2 percent growth in operating profit overseas for its first fiscal quart ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-02

How the zoology of Chinese New Year can scar you for life

... Bo’s wife Gu Kalai, for the record, was born in the Year of the Dog. Dogs bear an intense sense of loyalty and sincerity, and will do everything to a fault for the person who they think is most import ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-18

LeTV, firms linked to Ling Jihua brother tank

...  Youth League and the deputy chief of staff at the state news agency. He entered the world of business around 1998, serving as general manager of an advertising unit of Xinhua. In 2001, he adopted the ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-24

Princeling Bo Guagua on New York shopping spree

Among the multitudes on New York's Fifth Avenue last weekend, Chinese shoppers spotted Bo Guagua, the son of disgraced former Chongqing party boss Bo Xilai, the World Journal reported Wednesday. Durin ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-24

How stock link can stir Hong Kong penny stock frenzy

... as "tuhao gu shen", are reportedly keener on penny stocks. This type of punters is only interested in stocks that can potentially reward them 100 percent return or more. Usually, only medium to small ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-17

Ex-schoolmate asks Xu Caihou: How did you end up like this?

...  strict regulatory mechanisms and a truly democratic system of monitoring cadres, Xu's case would never have happened. Teng believes only a deeper reform of the political system will be able to weed o ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-04

SFC seeks HK$1.59 bln asset freeze on Greencool ex-chief

Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) had on June 20 submitted a request to a city court seeking an order to freeze HK$1.59 billion (US$205 million) worth of assets of Gu Chujun, the for ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-24

Retired general to go on trial over 36 million yuan bribes

... ion) from Gu Junshan, former deputy logistics chief of the People's Liberation Army, Sing Tao Daily reported on Friday. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has completed its investigation ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-13

HK construction pushes dolphins to edge of survival

...  director Gu Xichun said there are more than 1,800 of the species, down from about 2,600 several years ago, and the number is falling due to factors such as heavy water pollution, construction project ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-03

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