
共 1845 個結果
頁數:1...85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93


... Android和蘋果iOS手機,以藍牙、無線上網和手機定位功能來運作。 該程式能自動探測用戶是否在對應Hand ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月04日


... 統設立後門,或者阻止iOS作業系統因為多次輸入錯誤密碼而把手機內的資料刪除。Tim Cook表示,如果答應FB ...全文



... 廣播。最新消息是臉書iOS版於2016年2月中開始,陸續為公眾加入「Facebook Live Video 」 ...全文


理大生打入矽谷 創通訊App

... 的天使資金,暫時只有IOS版,有超過百萬下載,Android版仍在試驗中,員工有20人左右,一半人在美國,早前 ...全文


美法院令iPhone解鎖查恐襲 蘋果拒從

... 用戶的資料。 無法為iOS 8以後版本解鎖 法魯克的iPhone型號是iPhone 5C,作業系統是iOS 9 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月18日

信報月刊:玄學名家教路 猴年化險為夷

... lyandroid iOS揭頁版:http://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyapp   ...全文



... lyandroid iOS揭頁版:http://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyapp   ...全文



... 使用應用程式,便遇到iOS系統和Android系統更新了,應用程式也必須更新,才可以繼續暢順地運作。而志願機構 ...全文


配合手機應用 智能型格腕錶

... 365技術平台,兼容iOS或Android系統。雖說腕錶的智能功能不算多,主要集中在監測運動和睡眠狀況方面,卻 ...全文


遊戲王必備 超級電競產品

... 700個控制器支援的iOS遊戲,包括Minecraft、Final Fantasy VII、Afterpuls ...全文


YouTube app to support virtual reality video

... elease an iOS version soon. Sample a YouTube VR video: For the full effect, watch them in a Google Cardboard viewer (g.co/cardboard) -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Fake Starbucks text could be phishing scheme, experts warn

... ndroid or iOS system on their smartphone, Fong said. Even if the link is safe, risks still remain as hackers could steal their personal information such as name, phone number and address, he said, add ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-03

Yahoo aims to phase out passwords with new verification service

... pp on the iOS or Android operating systems will have access to a new service called Yahoo Account Key. When users who sign up for Account Key try to access Yahoo Mail, they will no longer need to ente ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-16

iPhone 6s knockoffs sold in Shenzhen for as little as 600 yuan

... n Apple’s iOS operating system. Instead, they run the Android system. The operating system may sometimes go choppy, but users may find no difference in the interface when compared to the real thing. M ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-18

Apple ramps up artificial intelligence hiring

... g system, iOS 9. Apple has promised the release will include a variety of intelligent reminders, which analysts expect will rival the offerings from Google's Android. Apple helped pioneer mobile intel ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-08

Instagram finds it doesn't pay to be square

... le Inc.'s iOS will allow portrait and landscape formats, giving users and paying advertisers more options. The move should help Instagram in its battle with newer rivals such as Snapchat for users in ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28

An entrepreneur recounts lessons learnt from early failures

... rough the iOS platform last month. After all these failures, there is one thing that Yu finds extremely important. "Do not ever half-split the shares with your business partners! One has to be a major ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-11

FireChat launches off-grid private messaging feature

... droid and iOS) -- Contact us at [email protected] JP/CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-30

How a couple managed to retire in their 30s

...  Monthly.[iOS] [Android] Translation by Darlie Yiu – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11

頁數:1...85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

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