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...  outcome (beyond optimal risk sharing)。荷姆斯壯閒話一句有兩點值得注意: ...全文


Yuan drop spurs mainland rush for Hong Kong insurance policies

...  weakened beyond 6.7 against the greenback, expectations of more downside has prompted a fresh round of rush among mainland Chinese for overseas assets, such as Hong Kong insurance policies. Compared ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-24

Asian sailors freed by Somali pirates prepare for flights home

... he Oceans Beyond Piracy group. "We have achieved what we have achieved by getting tribal elders, religious leaders, the community and regional government all involved to put pressure on these guys to ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-24


... 家香港上市公司投資的Beyond Verbal便提出願景,宣稱能夠把語音按照脾氣、價值評價及警覺性進行評估。 ...全文


Tyson Foods新業務潛力優厚

... rotein)生產商Beyond Meat,成為首間投資植物蛋白的大型肉食公司,其他投資者包括Bill Gat ...全文


Cyber security risks threaten fintech industry

... t extends beyond just financial liability, and could have a lasting impact on everything from consumer trust to organizational reputation. Is security awareness at a healthy level? According to a rece ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-21

Economists raise doubts on China growth figures

... hat going beyond that would arouse more suspicion. “There always seems to be a tendency to round up rather than down,” the newspaper quoted IHS Markit Ltd. economist Brian Jackson as saying. “They ten ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-20

Fears grow Europe's Mars lander has been lost

... ar system beyond Earth, then Mars is the most interesting planet," ESA's Woerner told Reuters TV. The second part of the ExoMars mission, delayed to 2020 from 2018, will deliver a European rover to Ma ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-20

Abuse of process

... troyed it beyond redemption. But with unanticipated wisdom, Andrew Leung, the Legco President offered the errant young people the opportunity to retake the oath. The oath-taking ceremony is a procedur ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-19

Financial inclusion and beyond

... s to move beyond just improving access to financial services. Services fostering financial-inclusion must deliver a high volume of low-value output, which means they often have to rely on partnerships ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

Bob Dylan wins Nobel literature prize

... hters are beyond your command", was an anthem of the civil rights movement and Vietnam War protests. Awarding the 8 million Swedish crown (US$930,000) prize, the Swedish Academy said: "Dylan has the s ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

Amazon launches new music streaming service

... or access beyond that device, subscriptions cost US$7.99 a month for members of Amazon's Prime shipping and video service and US$9.99 for non-members, the news agency said. Amazon will continue to off ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-13

Here's why the government is hung up over the Legco oath

... e changed beyond recognition or purpose but that the word "independence" might be inserted. The worst fear of this administration is the constant popping up of that word among localists and pro-indepe ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-12

How Beijing's stupid act is helping fuel separatism

... is simply beyond calculation. If that happens, perhaps Beijing will only have itself to blame. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Oct. 11. Translation by Alan Lee [Chinese vers ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-12

How HK’s outdated insolvency law is hindering innovation

... e to move beyond the recent amendments with their focus on incremental change and revisit the elusive task of overhauling Hong Kong’s insolvency regime. Issues to be considered include whether Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-12

Can Andrew Leung tame the new Legco?

... certainly beyond doubt. However, he has one major weakness: he was first elected to Legco through the functional constituency representing the industrial sector in 2004, and then returned uncontested ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-06

Land leases after 2047: nothing to be alarmed about?

... al future beyond 2047 needs to be settled in the next 15 to 20 years since “a 25-year mortgage taken out in 2022 will expire in 2047”. Among the city’s 10 largest private housing estates, more than ha ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Dirty is how CY plays the housing game

... me prices beyond the reach of Hongkongers. But this is precisely why Leung is seduced by the idea of doing everything in the book to make him look good -- if not inevitable -- to his bosses in Beijing ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Why the Hong Kong market outlook remains positive

... . Looking beyond these near-term hurdles, the Hong Kong market will find support from several China-related factors. First of all, recent macro numbers point to a stabilizing mainland economy. And pol ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Three Chinese cities restrict property purchases

... big thing beyond China's major cities. Other cities such as Tianjin, Hefei and Suzhou have also recently introduced measures to limit purchases as home prices jump. Home prices in at least one distric ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-03

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