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歐股早段靠穩 關注政經消息

... 市後公布的谷歌母公司Alphabet。 美國總統特朗普再度敦促油組增產,稱已促請油組壓抑油價,相信汽油價很快會 ...全文



... 市後公布的谷歌母公司Alphabet,以及周二收市後公布的蘋果。 其他重要藍籌包括默克藥廠、輝瑞藥廠、通用汽車 ...全文


儲局議息 巨企放榜 非農通脹出爐

... 定,蘋果、谷歌母公司Alphabet等多家巨企會公布季度業績,加上大量經濟數據出爐,包括市場特別關心的美國非農 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2019年04月29日

SoftBank invests in Alphabet's sky-based internet venture

A SoftBank Corp business seeking to find a way to fly cellphone antennas high in the atmosphere to provide internet in underserved areas said it is investing US$125 million in a spinoff of Alphabet In ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-25

US congressional leaders query Google on tracking database

...  to 2009. Alphabet Inc, Google’s parent, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The letter is one of several sent by members of Congress raising concerns about how Google or other big I ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-24


谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下分支Wing Aviation獲得美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)批准,成為首間可以 ...全文



谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下自動駕駛業務分支Waymo,已揀選美國底特律市一間舊車廠,作為大規模量產的廠房。 ...全文


Tesla says robotaxis coming to US roads next year

... including Alphabet Inc’s Waymo and Uber Technologies Inc – but experts say it will be years before the systems are ready for prime time. “A year from now we’ll have over a million cars with full self- ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-23

歐盟嚴推版權新規 谷歌fb勢受影響

... 一塊。 根據新規則,Alphabet旗下的谷歌(Google)和其他線上平台將必須與音樂家、表演者、作家、新聞 ...全文


JD.com boss criticizes 'slackers' as company makes cuts

... mart Inc, Alphabet Inc’s Google and China’s Tencent Holdings, in February posted its lowest quarterly revenue growth rate since its 2015 initial public offering. Other Chinese tech giants have lowered ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-15


Google母公司Alphabet旗下無人機子公司Wing,將推出全球首項商用無人機送貨服務,獲澳洲民航當局批 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年04月11日

英擬設新監管機構 科企自我監管時代終結

... 對Facebook和Alphabet旗下Google等公司制定一項新法律義務,要求科技企業對其平台上發布的大量 ...全文


Grab targets another US$2 billion funding this year, says CEO

... 0.HK) and Alphabet Inc’s Google. Last month, Grab’s president Ming Maa – a former SoftBank executive – said Grab was considering raising more funds in the ongoing financing round, in which the SoftBan ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-08

難阻爭議視頻 YouTube自創更划算

... 。Google母公司Alphabet公布對上一季業績,對YouTube成績只輕輕帶過,指出Google收入增長 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年04月05日


... 有6.3%的股份,而Alphabet擁有5.3%的股份。 Lyft剛上市,一眾忠心的司機也有着數,公司之前計劃 ...全文


Lyft valued at US$24.3 billion in first ride-hailing IPO

... le parent Alphabet Inc. Nevertheless, there are concerns among some investors that these IPOs may be coming at the peak of the market, when the benchmark S&P 500 Index has risen more than 200 perc ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-29

經濟放緩憂慮未除 美股倒跌

... ,股價微跌0.2%;Alphabet亦跌約0.9%,Nike及Caterpilla則分別上升1.1%及0.5% ...全文


Facebook bans white nationalism, white separatism

... r Inc and Alphabet Inc’s YouTube are under pressure to remove white supremacist and neo-Nazi content from their platforms. In response, Facebook has beefed up its content monitoring teams and has take ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

Google launches global council to advise on AI and tech ethics

Alphabet Inc’s Google said it is launching a global advisory council to consider ethical issues around artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, Reuters reports. The council, which is s ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-27

輝達購Mellanox 聯手戰AI

...  AI之爭備受矚目,Alphabet,Facebook、亞馬遜、微軟等科技巨頭揼本投資有關科技,美國及中國政府 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年03月27日

頁數:1...90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ...150

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