... Beijing’s grand strategy may fall through. To Beijing, it appears the implications of Brexit will trickle in over some time and may be graver than thought, but Li has emerged largely unscathed. As the ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-04
... t Harbour Grand Cafe in Harbour Grand Hong Kong Hotel. The CHP said Tuesday that it has identified eight food-poisoning clusters affecting 32 people. The victims comprised 13 males and 19 females, wit ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-29
一隻名為「小雪」(Snowy)的小灰熊在美國懷俄明州大提頓(Grand Teton)國家公園附近被車撞死,車主 ...全文
... nes Lions Grand Prix for Innovation for his pavilion at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. Reflecting on the nurturing of young talent, Khan remarks that more opportunities should be opened up to young a ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-15
... 列級酒莊,出品的都是Grand Cru級數佳釀,他笑着說︰「在酒標上的Grand Cru字眼,有時甚至比酒莊名 ...全文
... ,以礦物重又酸度高的Grand Cru級別Josmeyer Riesling去做配合。一種脫離基制的酒配像比武 ...全文
今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2016年05月28日
... a(499伙)和同區Grand YOHO第一期(1128伙)、屯門良德街8號項目(321伙)和西鐵南昌站項目( ...全文
... , China's grand plan to create an Asia-Europe economic corridor. The delegation met with several senior officials including Zhang Rongshun, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Basic Law Co ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-24
西九龍新興豪宅區近月屢現蝕讓成交,其中尖沙咀柯士甸站新入伙屋苑GRAND AUSTIN一個兩房單位,剛以883 ...全文
... how these grand tours are conducted across the border, but there were few differences. Small girls were on hand to thrust flower bouquets into Zhang’s hands. He never took a step in public without bei ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-20
... g China's grand idea of an Asia-Europe economic corridor. That means Leung decides who is in, who is out and how the attendees should behave. He set the terms early on by requiring the invitees to fi ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-17
... , and the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where Zhang will stay. Calling the measures implemented for Zhang’s visit “ridiculous”, Democratic Party lawmaker James To Kun-sun said police are, in fact, trying to supp ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-17
... Beijing's grand plan to create an economic corridor from Asia to Europe. The contours of that plan are only emerging and many countries along this futuristic version of the Silk Road have yet to sign ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-11
... ds of the Grand Historian, a monumental history of ancient China, says Qin Shi Huang once arrested hundreds of scholars and buried them alive in the Qin capital. He subsequently framed up charges agai ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-04