
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...150

Tunnel operator faces questions after West Kowloon accident

... ailing to act quickly to remove a truck that had broken down on the road. The inaction led to the truck lying stranded on the road, leading up to the accident with the bus, it is alleged.  On Monday m ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

Brexit is hell

... title character asks Mephistopheles what a demon is doing in his study instead of in hell. “Why, this is hell,” replies Mephistopheles, “nor am I out of it.” Equally all-encompassing was the atheist J ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

Huawei preparing to sue US government: report

... orization Act (NDAA) signed last year, according to the source. The new NDAA act, which Beijing had condemned as targeting China, controlled US government contracts with Chinese companies including Hu ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

US Democrats push to reinstate 'net neutrality' rules

...  Internet Act”, according to the report. The text of the proposed legislation has not been released. The Federal Communications Commission repealed the rules that bar providers from blocking or slowin ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

路透:華為周四料宣布起訴華府 將召開記者會

... orization Act或NDAA),在得州一個法院提出訴訟,控告華府禁止聯邦機構使用華為產品。新《美國國防 ...全文



... ng Policy Act Report,美港雙邊貿易2017年達700億美元,美方享受了全球最大的貿易順差, ...全文


Trump warns on China trade talks but advisers see progress

... ting manufacturing supply chains and shrinking US farm exports. “I am always prepared to walk,” Trump said in Hanoi, after cutting short a summit meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un that failed to ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-01

US needs to maintain tariff threat against China: Lighthizer

... expect to act proportionately but unilaterally,” Lighthizer added. A perennial threat of tariffs would be disappointing news for industry, which is hoping to see an end to the trade war uncertainty th ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-28

Risk On or Risk Off?

... 守態度投資,重點是要act ahead of the curve,認住這曲線。 作者為中銀香港投資管理總經理 ...全文



... 法(Clarity Act),使「獨立」必須通過國會、即全民表決,誰(主要指魁省)要提倡獨立、爭取獨立,都不犯 ...全文


Why the govt must resist calls for cash handouts

... ehind the act of giving cash handouts. In other words, apart from satisfying the personal financial needs of some but not all individuals, it is hard for cash handouts to achieve any real social effec ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-26


... and Grant Act)的動議,終於在國會得到通過,並獲林肯總統簽署成法律。 在此法生效前,美國的大學,如 ...全文



... Corrupt Practices Act),原本主要針對美國企業在海外擴張時賄賂外國政要的不當商業手段,然而 ...全文


美明年大選 現代貨幣理論乘勢崛起

... l Reserve Act),絕對可行,惟任務艱巨。 MMT支持者以日本成功個案為理據,認為美國不妨借鑑。日本 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年02月21日

Building Beautiful(下)

... e free to act on it...」 爵爺才是public spirit!   ...全文



... ch Oxford Act 1867,假如院長上訴,正式決策人只有座堂督導(Visitor),即是英女皇。   ...全文


HK touted as a 'core engine' as China unveils Bay Area plan

...  and will act as “core engines" to drive regional development, leveraging their comparative advantages and enhancing the radiating effect in leading the development of nearby regions, a Hong Kong gove ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-19

Opinions mixed on HK future under Greater Bay Area plan

As Beijing is to unveil the blueprint for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which is home to nearly 70 million people, opinions on the impact of the plan on Hong Kong are widely divided. ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-18

Trump to declare national emergency over border wall

... executive action – including a national emergency – to ensure we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. But the top Democrat in ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-15


... essy Last Act;《金融時報》也加入打落水狗行列,在報道此事時用上How the Bond King ...全文


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