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今次繼續有關道富銀行(State Street)的分析。如上周提及,現任CEO Ronald O'Hanley ...全文


港股乾彈三日 全周埋單跌303點

市場續憧憬美國本月減息,推動隔晚道指破頂。港股連升第三日,不過成交續淡靜,下跌股份比例亦較高,反映升市欠質素。 ...全文


中午升142點返十天線 內房物管造好

市場續憧憬美國本月減息,推動隔晚道指破頂。港股連升兩日後,今早低開高走。 恒指低開29點,開市後最多跌32點, ...全文


【異動股】全通曾飆四成 訂備忘或向基金配股

中國全通(00633)訂諒解備忘錄,與認購人VCB Asia Telco Fund簽署諒解備忘錄,計劃認購全通 ...全文


Public consultation mechanism revamp won't be enough

After avoiding the spotlight for a week, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor appeared before the media on Tuesday before heading into an Executive Council meeting. During the interaction, Lam t ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

Special school student Daisy Kwok stands out in DSE exams

A total of 12 students with special educational needs (SEN) finished the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examinations. The SEN students came from three special schools operated by the ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

內地下半年減息機會大 短炒小試牛刀

憧憬美國減息,早前推動資金追捧新興市場股債,如今減息預期降溫,新興市場似有短期見頂之勢。不過,新興市場經濟下行 ...全文


港股再挫215點 28000關危
企業盈警多逾3倍 恒指5天跌幅2.6%

市場對美國大幅減息的憧憬進一步回落,加上A股表現仍未回勇及港股陸續有企業發盈警,拖累投資氣氛。在多項不利消息持 ...全文


A property deal evokes memories of HK’s golden era nightclubs

Tonnochy nightclub may be gone, but not its legacy. In fact, one could argue that the fabled Hong Kong hotspot is worth more dead than alive. In a recent transaction, the site of the famous Wanchai ni ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-09

Financier Epstein pleads not guilty to sex trafficking charges

American financier Jeffrey Epstein pleaded not guilty to charges of sex trafficking as prosecutors accused him of luring dozens of girls as young as 14 to his luxury homes in New York and Florida and ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-09


在美國有多年投資科技股經驗的Wireless Fund首席投資經理米克斯(Paul Meeks)表示,目前正在 ...全文


WeWork seeks up to US$4 billion in debt before IPO: report

Shared office space manager WeWork Cos is looking to raise US$3 billion to US$4 billion in debt before it goes public, Reuters reports, citing a person familiar with the matter. The potential debt off ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

特朗普變臉快 中美貿談恐拖

美國上周五公布的非農就業數據遠勝預期,除了可能影響聯儲局減息決定,另一值得留意的是,最新數據表現會否為美國總統 ...全文



本港首隻「同股不同權」股份小米集團(01810)於本周二(9日)上市滿一周年,屆時將有第二批股份解禁。小米上市 ...全文


逆境力強 道富銀行升勢在即

美國道富銀行(State Street)最近引起筆者注意是在美息趨降之時,該行在最新一期美國聯儲局壓力測試中結 ...全文


'Wolf of Wall Street' producer charged in Malaysia 1MDB case

Malaysia on Friday charged a stepson of former prime minister Najib Razak with money laundering, alleging he misappropriated almost US$250 million linked to state fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

Lagarde is the right choice

The choice of Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund and a former French finance minister, to succeed Mario Draghi as president of the European Central Bank, is co ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

減息有懸念 勿重注風險資產

中美重啟貿易談判,為全球經濟回穩帶來曙光。不過,美國創下經濟擴張周期最長紀錄同時,這次加息周期所累積的息口水平 ...全文


印度召車科企變獨角獸 Ola Electric融資19.5億

印度《經濟時報》報道,當地召車初創Ola Electric獲得B輪融資2.5億美元(約19.5億港元),領投方 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月04日

Thumbs down to Facebook’s cryptocurrency

Facebook and some of its corporate allies have decided that what the world really needs is another cryptocurrency, and that launching one is the best way to use the vast talents at their disposal. The ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

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