曾醒明,人稱大台拆彈專家。至於他本人,則叫自己做「TV Buddy」。言下之意是,他是無綫代表人物。「人人話我 ...全文
... 康文署)早着先鞭,與電視廣播(00511)(TVB),在2017年1月3日於沙田香港文化博物館,舉行「故宮全接 ...全文
... 平台。獨霸市場多年的電視廣播(00511)(TVB)發盈警,計劃放棄收費電視牌照,全力轉攻OTT(網絡電視)。 ...全文
... 月前市場份額較大的電視廣播(00511)(TVB)把旗下數碼媒體廣告價目大劈價,拖累本港流動廣告收入在201 ...全文
吳幸美近期因在《東張西望》試飲「斷片酒」,在鏡頭前又哭又笑,令她紅遍網絡。此後,她在節目中接連試「脫衣水」、唱 ...全文
Gill Paul Mohindepaul Singh may not be a familiar name to most Hongkongers but how about Qbobo (literally cute baby in Cantonese)? We got to know him through TVB. Many Hongkongers were amazed by this ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-20
She may have been disqualified from the Legislative Council but she gave us something to ponder this year. Yau Wai-ching topped the list of the most popular search terms for what became a much talked- ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-19
大部分香港人都是通過那些年的TVB節目《殘酷一叮》認識喬寶寶,他雖然歌藝平平,但很有觀眾緣,贏得社會大眾的喜愛 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Glocal Chatroom沈旭暉 EJ GLOBAL plus2016年12月17日
Since Leung Chun-ying announced last Friday that he would not seek a second term, Hong Kong has been in ferment as candidates step forward to take his place. But in Shanghai, China’s commercial capita ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-16
A three-meter Anaconda has been caught on a roadside in Castle Peak Road. The snake was spotted around 1 a.m. on Wednesday near Ting Kau Village in Tsuen Wan, TVB News reports. A snake expert was summ ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-14
... 出版烹飪書、烹飪電台電視廣播、烹飪食物攝影等。好多年前,我就是因為James Beard Foundation ...全文
The pro-democracy camp has achieved its aim of getting more than 300 seats in a body that will pick Hong Kong's next chief executive. They got 325 seats out of a possible 356 on the 1,200-strong Elect ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-12