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【EJFQ信析】利率前景明朗化 道指重越牛熊線

... restraint to be realized, especially on inflation),又警告終 ...全文



... 」(Eat Out to Help Out)計劃,令病毒迅速蔓延,受感染英國人的死亡數字直線上升。所以我不感覺 ...全文



... an ticket to heaven)。 歐洲理事會主席米歇爾(Charles Michel)則在另一份聲明 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月09日

利率前景明朗化 道指重越牛熊線

... restraint to be realized, especially on inflation),又警告終 ...全文



我在大律師認許典禮(Call to the Bar ceremony)看到不少馬來西亞畢業生,他們跟父母專程回 ...全文


China: Xi, 69, plans to stay in power till his 80’s

While Chinese leader Xi Jinping claims to be constructing a “great modern socialist country,” the Communist Party’s recent 20th congress saw China regress in significant areas, including excluding wom ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08

Modern data protection: Surviving and thriving in a hybrid world

It might feel like conversations around the implications of remote or hybrid working have been going on forever. From the pandemic to the ‘return to the office’, and now - where hybrid seems to be her ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08

Russians’ struggle: Should I stay or should I go?

... demics, actors, and so on. Some leave because they have no choice. Journalists who were critical of the war, such as Yevgenia Albats, editor of The New Times, had to flee to avoid being arrested for s ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08


從葡萄牙回到倫敦的第二天,便是我獲得大律師認許(Call to the Bar)的日子,在中殿學院(Middl ...全文



... Louis Vuitton)、香奈兒(Chanel)等將這股二手風潮視為威脅,不僅蠶食新品的銷售空間,也影響定 ...全文


受累資金成本漲 市賬率續折讓

... 賬面值(price to book value)一倍或以上水平交易,惟至今渣打股價仍存折讓,市賬率僅0.4倍。 ...全文


If music be the food of love?

Late on Friday the 4th of November 2022 there was evidence that Hong Kong, like a latter day Rip Van Winkle, had emerged from its nigh-on catatonic sleep and felt again an adrenalin powered rush of jo ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07

How developing countries can reach net zero

... portunity to air their justified grievances about the climate costs they disproportionately bear – and rich countries a chance to start paying their fair share. While today’s developed economies have ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07

Olaf Scholz: Speak truth to the leader

... lligence, told a meeting at the Bundestag (Parliament): “In the long term, China presents a much greater threat to German security than Russia. Russia is the ‘storm’, China is ‘climate change’, he sai ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07

NFT融合Web 3.0成新世代贏家

... 量點對點(peer to peer)交易。 正因為這些變化,他預期許多職業會被新技術取代,將對市場上「中間人」 ...全文


4項格林美獎得主Larry Klein 監製Leonard Cohen全新專輯

Blue Note Records推出全新專輯《Here It Is:A Tribute to Leonard ...全文


儲局短鴿長鷹 候「反彈逃生窗」

... premature to be thinking about pausing),好多投資者仍然是發着明年年底就 ...全文


Government’s KPI should be both quantitative and qualitative

I have a few thoughts on this year's policy address: 1. Open data should be both quantitative and qualitative: The latest policy address lists 110 quantitative key performance indicators to facilitate ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

The next global resource crisis

...  have yet to answer adequately the most important question: What should we do about it? There is no denying the risks that lie ahead. As Europe has learned over the last several months, it is not prud ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

A historical recount of US economy policy

The big lesson of the past 60 years of US economic policy, according to former vice chair of the US Federal Reserve and current Princeton University economist Alan S. Blinder’s new book, A Monetary an ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

頁數:1...95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ...150

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