
共 1198 個結果
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Who is the Snowden in the pro-establishment camp?

Thanks to WhatsApp, Hong Kong people have been given a rare insider view of the secret deliberations within the pro-establishment camp before and after the historic voting on the political reform pack ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-26

Red 'Ferrari' takes MTR handicap access to the next level

Is it a wheelchair or a glorified tricycle with a luxury badge? MTR staff decided it's a disabled transporter allowed under the rail operator's regulations. But netizens are still fired up over the re ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-24

Wheelchair-bound passengers tapped for parallel trading

Here's the latest technique used by parallel traders to avoid scrutiny from customs officers at the border: wheelchair-bound passengers. Authorities have noticed a recent upsurge in the number of supp ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-22

Women too harsh on their body shape, men more relaxed, says poll

Some women are less forgiving when it comes to their bodies but men are more relaxed about theirs. The findings come from a recent survey by the Public Opinion Program of the University of Hong Kong. ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-19

National Independent Party: Terror group or political bogeyman?

News that police seized explosives and arrested members of a shadowy group following a raid on an abandoned building in Sai Kung certainly perked things up at the start of the week.  The suspects were ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16


... 燦於1月20日刊於《星島日報》的文章〈白票守尾門違反《基本法》〉,直斥陳教授的方案會打擊提委會的憲制地位,甚至 ...全文


HK 4th-most-expensive city in Asia Pacific for expats

Hong Kong is the fourth-most-expensive city in Asia Pacific for expatriates, surpassing Tokyo for the first time as the Hong Kong dollar appreciates against the yen, Sing Tao Daily reported Friday. Th ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-12

Sing Tao sues three protesters for disrupting schools debate

Sing Tao News Corp. (01105.HK) is seeking compensation of at least HK$1.57 million (US$200,000) from three protesters who disrupted a schools debate last month, Ming Pao Daily reported Friday. It has ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-05

云爾錄 : 星島向長毛快必譚香文索償

星島新聞集團前日入稟高院,指社民連立法會議員梁國雄、人民力量成員譚香文及譚得志(快必)意圖破壞上月中舉辦的全港 ...全文


When a newspaper becomes a vehicle of discrimination

In performing their function as the Fourth Estate, media should exercise the highest degree of fairness and level-headedness. In monitoring the actions, words and performance of officials and politici ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-04

Kidnappers threatened to cut off heads of 3 Indian merchants

Three Indian merchants were kidnapped in Hong Kong in 2013 by five Pakistanis, who threatened to behead them, a court heard Tuesday. Manmohan Singh, 57, Satwinder Singh, 37, and Gurinder Singh, 49, ar ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

Six in 10 Hong Kong youths give up on buying own home

More than 60 percent of young people in Hong Kong have given up on being able to buy a home amid high property prices, according to a survey. The survey was conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03


... 同佔領運動?」(見《星島日報》2014年11月25日報道) 事實上,歷史上很多反抗運動在它們所處身的時空中,均 ...全文


Artist 'Paralysis Brother' detained for making fun of Xi

Shanghai authorities have detained an artist for allegedly parodying President Xi Jinping, Sing Tao Daily reported Thursday. The arrest of Dai Jiangyong on Wednesday by the municipal Public Security B ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-28

Trio arrested for online attacks against columnist, police

Barry Ma Kin-yin, chairman of local radical group The Faculty of Orchid Gardening was arrested after he posted on his Facebook page that all five members of a columnist's family should be killed. Ma a ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-28


... 也無心記掛。 近日《星島日報》主辦的校際辯論比賽有人跑來干擾,以致學生聽不到評判意見。多年來十分尊重警方的屈穎 ...全文


Why Henry Tang isn't fading away

What is Henry Tang up to? The former chief secretary, who lost out to Leung Chun-ying in the 2012 chief executive election, made a big splash Wednesday by launching a new organization that aims to "se ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-21

金針集 : 泛民手上的Wild Card

... 。像上星期五林鄭出席星島報業集團舉辦的校際辯論比賽頒獎禮,期間大批人力成員踩場,在觀眾席不斷高舉黃傘大叫口號之 ...全文


唐英年搞社團 北京背後發功

... 方剛、經民聯林建岳、星島集團老闆何柱國、剛退任九倉的吳光正、立法會議員林大輝等等,雖然並非個個都是江蘇人,卻畀 ...全文


林鄭理大主禮 十餘學生示威

... 未有回應傳媒提問。 星島就辯論賽受衝擊報警 該典禮是為「林大輝廣場」舉行揭幕儀式,在場的立法會工業界議員林大輝 ...全文


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