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中銀:騰訊五連跌 看好股價反彈留意購19904

本港股市連續六個交易日下跌。恒指在周四曾跌逾400點,收報27289點,跌350點或1.2%。大市成交1616 ...全文


墨西哥辣椒 Mastretta MXT引爆味蕾

墨西哥最著名的是什麼?愛嘗杯中物者會答:龍舌蘭酒;嗜辣老饕會答:辣椒;車迷會答:Mastretta,但Mast ...全文



如果說Mastretta是師兄,近年有一個師弟冒起,就是同樣來自墨西哥的跑車品牌VUHL,這師弟在國際上也獲得 ...全文


愛與人渣 感情拉鋸

風車草劇團演出的翻譯劇《愛與人渣》(Unidentified Human Remains and the Tr ...全文



5月3日,周日。對本港投資者來說,4月是難忘的一個月。復活節後,港股列車不等人齊便開出,恒指全月累漲3050點 ...全文


It's still a bull market but watch out for the bumps!

Technical analysis could offer some insight into the prospects of the Hong Kong market, given the expectations that there could be greater volatility in the months ahead. The Hang Seng Index passed th ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-21

Jolie, Gates more admired than Clinton, Obama

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie and Microsoft founder Bill Gates are the world's most admired people, beating US President Barack Obama and his potential successor Hillary Clinton, according to the late ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-03

China sees slowest growth in 24 years

China's economy grew at its slowest pace in 24 years in 2014, keeping pressure on policymakers to roll out more support measures to head off a sharper downturn. But analysts said a slightly better-tha ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-20

Can Japan reboot?

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent policy decisions -- increase monetary stimulus dramatically, postpone a consumption-tax increase and call a snap election in mid-December -- have returned h ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-08

Peter Gabriel, Pussy Riot show support for HK protesters

Hong Kong's pro-democracy protesters have received messages of support from some international music artists and other celebrities following last week's police street clearance action in Mong Kok. Pet ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-01

Protest 2.0: Is Chen a middleman in the making?

It's six weeks old and counting but the democracy protest has made little progress in all that time and still less since student leaders held a meeting with a government panel near the end of October. ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-07

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