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美企研潔淨冷氣 蓋茨領投

炎炎夏日開冷氣消暑,耗電之餘,同時增加碳排放。美國初創Blue Frontier通過濃縮鹽溶液,研發新一代潔淨 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年08月03日

Fiscal policy should return to fundamentals

Recent large interest-rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank suggest that monetary policymakers are intent on moving forcefully to bring down inflation. But where are the s ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-02

微軟下站買Netflix 相得益彰之舉

上周言及微軟(Microsoft)遇到了硬件銷售欠吸引力,以及與遊戲公司動視暴雪(Activision Bli ...全文


農企估值低水 吼ETF回報豐

俄烏戰爭引發全球農產品通脹,農業板塊的投資機會開始受注視,農業基金是參與有關板塊投資的不俗之選。 由於俄烏戰爭 ...全文


能源基金低位回升 購入良機

轉瞬間2022年7月快將完結,中美熊市及疫情等陰霾仍揮之不去,冀望負面因素逐步遠離,故未來5個月非常關鍵,能否 ...全文


A decade of 'whatever it takes'

This month marks an important anniversary. On July 26, 2012, the European Central Bank’s relatively new president, Mario Draghi, famously declared that, “the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to pr ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27


手握大量現金的中東大型主權財富基金再次在淡市出擊,今年參與中東和非洲以外的收購金額至少286億美元(約2230 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月27日

Is the HKD peg safe? How could HIBOR move from here?

The Hong Kong Dollar has been hovering over the weak end of its band recently, sparking concerns and questions regarding the viability of the peg to the U.S. Dollar. We don’t think the peg is at risk ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-26

Why Sri Lanka imploded

As Sri Lanka’s economy unravels before our eyes, one must ask how this could happen in a country that is historically known for its high standard of living and stable economy. Sri Lanka’s achievements ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

AI機械人前景闊 循基金入門化繁為簡

人工智能(AI)與機械人發展一日千里,近日特斯拉行政總裁馬斯克指出,已經將自己的大腦上傳到雲端,並與自己的虛擬 ...全文


美FinTech港虛銀乏盈利 前景堪虞

美國通脹高企,聯儲局不得不追趕加息幅度,市場因而憂慮全球經濟衰退,加息浪潮從美國擴展至全球,成熟國家亦因通脹持 ...全文


兩大熱門風投 碳中和結合區塊鏈

繼上期本欄開始了碳中和區塊鏈技術的股權投資及風投有關討論後,讀者迴響也甚為熱烈,可能是由於這兩種技術都是目前炙 ...全文



美國6月份消費物價指數按年抽升9.1%,不但遠較市場預期的8.8%為高,更創40年來新高,反映通脹肆虐情況尚未 ...全文


環球市場信心不足 易捕風捉影

最近中美股市皆走弱,港股在過去3天共跌逾900點,猶幸於20800點水平暫時穩定下來。跌市源於市場不但憂慮上海 ...全文


藥廠趁平併購 生科ETF可吼

全球新冠疫情再現惡化跡象,意味對新疫苗的研發有更大需要。同時,隨着生物科技板塊出現深度調整後,估值已變得便宜, ...全文


The dollar rules

The first half of 2022 has been traumatic. Equity markets have suffered one of their worst six-month periods ever. Government bonds are undergoing a rare, significant decline. And the world of cryptoc ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-13

How to deal with negative emotions during the epidemic

Hong Kong people were exhausted after fighting the epidemic for more than two years. They were tired of panic buying food and anti-epidemic materials. They worried about the suspension of business, wo ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-12

Recession wrings out excesses

People tend to look to the past to make sense of the present and the future. Looking at historical patterns can indeed provide a useful roadmap for the future but can sometimes lead to mistaken assump ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-11

Absorbing the shock of the energy transition

Russia’s war on Ukraine has sent shockwaves around the world. Oil prices have skyrocketed and food prices have soared, causing political instability. The last time food prices were this volatile, riot ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-08

米斯拉淡出軟銀管理工作 創立投資公司

外電報道,日本軟銀(SoftBank)主席孫正義的得力助手米斯拉(Rajeev Misra),將減少在集團的工 ...全文


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