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Some reflections on teaching

I am still in my early days of my academic career. I’d like to think there is much I have yet to learn. In some ways, the best way to learn is to teach. This is not only because teaching is vital in c ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

藝壇壞女孩 「讓你的作品成為你最好的朋友」

... 們動盪的世界上方。」. 從前她愛抽煙,這幾年戒煙了,但拍照還是堅持一煙在手。她說:「2022年在紐約發生的心臟病發,讓我不能再抽煙了。這是一個相當艱難的過程。香煙在照片中完善了我的形象!」再問她,堅持持煙是否要保持反叛的Bad Girl形像?「大家叫我『英國藝術的壞女孩』,萬歲!我感到受寵若驚。願這稱號能長久延續。」作為壞女孩,她十分敢言,常說「世間已夠多壞藝術了!」什麼是壞作品?「這非常主觀, ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-22

World trembles at a Trump presidency

The world is trembling at the prospect of a second presidency by Donald Trump. He and President Joe Biden are neck and neck in the polls, with most giving Trump a narrow lead. The outcome could be cat ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-19

La Scala Ballet’s Spectacular Corsaire in HK Arts Festival

La Scala Ballet, the most prestigious ballet company of Italy, last performed in the Hong Kong Arts Festival exactly ten years ago. So its return to this year’s Festival with “Le Corsaire” (The Pirate ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-18

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 更換董事或重要行政職能或職責的變更 / 其他-雜項

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 一. 建議三年(2023–2025 年)股東回報規劃;二. 建議委任執行董事; ...全文



... edge fund".」在包括香港在內的大多數地方,法例並無定義什麼是「對沖基金」。一般而言,對沖基金是指監管 ...全文



... 察出勤時間增加了34.1%,然後恢復原來安排。期間該6個自治市的犯罪率下降了11.1%,而行動結束後犯罪率又告 ...全文



... n‐David, I., Franzoni, F., & Moussawi, R. (2018). D ...全文


Girls, let’s seize the opportunities in cybersecurity

... mated US$1.1 billion worth of ransoms, the highest amount on record. A cybersecurity company's chief executive pointed out that generative AI makes it “easier for less advanced attackers to crack nati ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-04

Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

...  in Taiwan. "We have heard these threats for 30 years," ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年02月29日

What to Do – and What Not to Do – When Hosting Conferences

I spent the morning earlier today at an excellent conference hosted by The Economist, titled “Technology for Change Asia”. The conference promised – and delivered -- the opportunity to deep dive into ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-28

Innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emission

Sweden is building the world's first permanent electrified road, allowing electric vehicles (EV) to be charged while driving, which will greatly help increase popularity of EVs and reduce emissions. H ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

A group of foreign residents is seeking a place of refuge – probably a temple or monastery – to hide if PLA soldiers arrive in Taiwan. “We have heard these threats for 30 years,” said a Taiwan enginee ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

On the Importance of Being Swift

I’ll open with a confession. I have long been a Taylor Swift fan. From ‘Back to December’ to ‘Out of the Woods’, from Reputation to Folklore, there is a lot to love in Swift. And I would most certainl ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-23

Status Anxiety and Norm Defiance

I am privileged to be in a position where I can learn from, and be inspired by, incredibly talented, creative, and thoughtful students on a daily basis. Teachers often learn more than students than th ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-23

Taiwan investment in China falls to record low

... government. The investment in China in 2023 totalled US$3.04 billion, a 39.8 per cent fall from the year before and the lowest amount in over 20 years, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said. It accoun ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-22


... rnichon, R., & Mesters, G. (2023). A sufficient sta ...全文


Time to revisit tree planting strategy

Hong Kong Orchid Tree or Bauhinia x blakeana is our city flower, which can be found everywhere in the city, but it is also one of the most affected tree species under extreme weather. According to dat ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-20


內地媒體引述數據分析App燈塔專業版數據報道,今年春節檔總票房達78.44億元(人民幣.下同),超過2021年 ...全文


Challenges of PropTech

A number of serious and even fatal construction accidents have aroused widespread concern in the community last year. Therefore, it is timely for the Housing Bureau and the Housing Department to intro ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-15

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