
共 23 個結果
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攜程遭攻擊 網站及App癱瘓

繼支付寶前天癱瘓造成大量用戶不便後,內地最大旅遊網站攜程網的網頁版和App昨日出現系統故障,所有服務均無法使用 ...全文


I ♥ this 'word'

Ever been lost for words? Try the lexicographers, the guys who keep our dictionaries relevant and current. This year, they have made some words a non-entity in a ranking of the most used, er, word in ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-31

Man wins partial reprieve after trespass into PLA barracks

A Hong Kong man who, along with a female companion, drove into the People's Liberation Army (PLA) barracks in Hong Kong in April has won a reprieve as authorities decided to withdraw the trespassing c ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-04

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