... 4.5%。美國晶片商Allegro Microsystems傳成為收購目標,股價炒高14.9%。 台積電千億美 ...全文
... 4.5%。美國晶片商Allegro Microsystems傳成為收購目標,股價炒高14.9%。 美市收市,道 ...全文
... 晶片商安森美擬購同業Allegro 另外,彭博引述消息報道,美國晶片商安森美(ON Semiconductor ...全文
... 購較小型晶片生產商 Allegro Microsystems。 根據報道,Allegro仍未決定整間放盤求售, ...全文
... ng female allegro solo with lots of twists and turns in the final blue water section. However. there is too much frenetic dancing in this final section which suffers from longueur.Lighting effects are ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-23
... of petit allegro steps and are technically challenging. Nevertheless, it would have been preferable to retain the original choreography. Fortunately, he has kept intact Petipa’s choreography for the ...More
EJ Insight2024-03-18
... 日系Sensor廠商Allegro(ALGM)。 Allegro去年10月29日在美國上市,大股東為日資的Sa ...全文
... ted by an allegro duet, which sees two women mirroring each other. Though it is not an exceptional piece, brevity is always a virtue that I value. Another, much better duet forms Ricky Hu's new work D ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-13