... 的Google母公司Alphabet,本周三(26日)由Facebook接力,本周四(27日)再由Twitte ...全文
... 與Google母公司Alphabet對簿公堂。 建自駕研發團隊 對Lyft來說,這絕對是個難得的上位機會。外界 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月25日
... 實Google母公司Alphabet和Facebook這兩個巨人已經佔了其中四成,而它們在2000年根本沒有上 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月24日
... 手Google母公司Alphabet,「二哥」地位毋庸置疑。反映長線產品服務協議的「預收收入」上季勁升逾61% ...全文
... epresents Alphabet Inc.'s Google, Amazon.com Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Facebook Inc. filed comments with the US International Trade Commission. They argued that barring Apple from importing foreign-as ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-21
... n Fund),聯同Alphabet行政總裁舒密特(Eric Schmidt)與亞馬遜行政總裁貝索斯(Jeff ...全文
A group representing major technology firms including Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. urged the US Federal Communications Commission to abandon plans to reverse the landmark 2015 rules barring interne ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-18
Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Alphabet Inc. and dozens of other major technology companies protested online against proposed changes to US net neutrality rules that prohibit broadband providers from gi ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-13
Alphabet旗下自駕車業務Waymo控告召車軟件Uber盜取商業機密一案,法庭裁定Alphabet創辦人之 ...全文
... R)功能。蘋果公司或Alphabet都有數以千計的AR遊戲,但沒有一個遊戲能與Pokémon GO匹敵。 另外 ...全文
... ,Google母公司Alphabet與亞馬遜加起來超越歐洲和日本所有金融股的總市值,買入科網龍頭並長期持有,似 ...全文
... ts parent Alphabet, which has about US$92 billion cash on hand and annual profits of nearly US$20 billion. Despite that, shares in Alphabet have dropped almost 8 percent from the recent high, represen ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-05
... 110点。谷歌母公司Alphabet跌1.1%;亞馬遜跌1.5%;Facebook跌1.7%;英偉達收跌3.6 ...全文
上周歐盟經6年調查,宣布Google犯了反壟斷法罰款27.4億美元,Google母公司Alphabet稱必定上 ...全文