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蘋果績佳再提回購 股價飆6.7%
服務業轉型奏效 擺脫iPhone依賴

蘋果周二收市後公布,上季iPhone營業額大減17%,而且整體營業額和利潤兩年多來首次出現連續兩季下跌,但表現 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月02日

《人間道》疑喻六四 內地音樂平台移除

六四事件30周年前夕的敏感時刻,有內地網民指出,張學友演唱的《倩女幽魂2》電影主題曲《人間道》因為被視為影射六 ...全文


The music deal of the future

What is the future of the music industry? Streaming has taken over as the irrefutable leader although the likes of Taylor Swift have raged against streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music. O ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-02


自從iPhone銷售光環不再,相信很多人都想問:「蘋果,你還可以走幾遠?」或許是被逼上梁山, 日前蘋果春季發布 ...全文


Apple unveils TV, gaming and credit card offerings

Apple Inc sought to reassert itself as an entertainment and financial services company that also makes iPhones as it launched a streaming television service, a credit card and an online gaming arcade. ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-26

科技霸權褪色 什麼股成新寵

全球聚焦中美貿易談判之際,美國與歐洲原來已展開連場暗戰,Google因違反歐盟反壟斷條例遭重罰16億美元,氣得 ...全文



英國唱片業協會(BPI)昨天發表年度報告,顯示Spotify【圖】、亞馬遜音樂(Amazon Music)和A ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月22日

Spotify files EU antitrust complaint against Apple

Spotify has filed a complaint with EU antitrust regulators against Apple, saying the iPhone maker, through its App Store rules, is harming music streaming services that compete with Apple's own offeri ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14


音樂串流巨頭Spotify昨天表示,他們已於周一向歐盟投訴,稱蘋果刻意擠壓其他音樂串流服務,向對Apple M ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年03月14日

Why Apple seems to be regaining investors' favor

After hitting a low of around US$142 in early January, Apple's share price has been on a recovery path, currently changing hands at a little above US$180. The bounce came despite no positive news on t ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-13


摩根士丹利分析師Katy Huberty表示,蘋果公司今年推出的一系列新服務,包括視頻流媒體和媒體捆綁服務,將 ...全文


Why Apple is touting its active installed device base

Announcing its results for the three months to December, which marks the firm's fiscal first quarter, Apple on Tuesday revealed a 15 percent slide in iPhone revenue compared to the year-ago period. Wi ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31

Apple iPhone revenue falls 15% but services business grows

Apple on Tuesday reported a 15 percent drop in iPhone revenue in the holiday shopping quarter but said its services business, which includes Apple Music and the App Store, enjoyed sharp growth.  Reven ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-30


蘋果公司據報最早將於下半年推出耳罩式耳機,而該公司旗下Beats品牌的前景也因此存疑。 外界報道,蘋果準備在今 ...全文


蘋果傳推第七代iPod Touch

日本科技網站Mac Otakara引述數家蘋果公司供應商指出,蘋果正計劃推出第七代iPod Touch,以帶動 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年01月16日

蘋果HomePod周五中港同推 售2799元

蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)周日(13日)宣布,旗下HomePod智能喇叭於周五(18日)起,在內地及本港 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年01月15日


蘋果公司宣布,HomePod智能音箱將於本周五(18日)起在中國內地和香港地區開賣,提供白色和太空灰兩種配色, ...全文



知名科技對沖基金經理認為,蘋果公司面臨的麻煩遠非只是中國銷量下降,市場在很大程度上忽視了其他問題。 蘋果上周因 ...全文


Why Apple is altering its OTT strategy

Apple may not be participating in the Consumer Electronics Show that is underway in Las Vegas, but the company has still found itself grabbing the news headlines, thanks to a key announcement. The US ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09


蘋果公司在加拿大徵收銷售稅。 外國媒體報道,蘋果確認,透過iTunes購買電影、音樂、有聲讀物及電視劇集,以及 ...全文


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