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Spotify老闆 樂壇地獄天使

全球最大音樂串流公司Spotify今年剛滿10歲,規模日益壯大,令這家瑞典發跡的企業要走向本來抗拒的股票市場, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年03月10日


作為iPhone和Mac的二十年忠實用戶,以及蘋果的長期教徒,我個人的感覺是,蘋果已經喪失了不懈創新、追求完美 ...全文


去年收入飆四成 虧損擴大1.3倍

全球最大音樂串流平台Spotify周三正式向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交上市申請,將直接於紐約證券交易所掛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年03月02日

Spotify files for direct listing on New York Stock Exchange

Music streaming service Spotify on Wednesday filed for a direct listing of its shares, taking an unusual path to the US public markets for a large company, Reuters reports. A direct listing will let S ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-01


外媒The Information報道,音樂串流平台Spotify第三財季收入或達10億歐羅(折合約96.77 ...全文


Apple Music may overtake Spotify in US market: WSJ

Apple Music appears set to overtake top rival Spotify in the US market in terms of paid subscribers, according to the Wall Street Journal. Citing people familiar with figures reported by the two strea ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-06

Apple Music訂戶勁 勢贏Spotify做一哥

總部設於瑞典的音樂串流網站Spotify,近日向紐約證交所遞交上市申請,惟其全球一哥地位正備受威脅。《華爾街日 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月06日

Apple Music年內或成音樂串流平台一哥

音樂串流平台Spotify市場地位或被蘋果Apple Music超越。 《華爾街日報》報道,雖然Spotify ...全文


HomePod終開售 蘋果不怕無人吼

在聖誕旺季,亞馬遜及Google向顧客硬銷旗下智能喇叭產品,亞馬遜Echo及Google Home鋪天蓋地的宣 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月29日

Apple to release HomePod speaker in three markets on Feb 9

Apple will start taking online orders for its HomePod smart speaker on Friday in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, with the release date set for February 9. The voice-controlled speaker ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-24

蘋果「班資」回美 5年投資2340億
回應稅改方案 員工獲近2萬元紅股

蘋果周三宣布,調回囤積在海外的大批資金,為此將向美國政府支付約380億美元的稅款,同時公布未來5年在美國投資逾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月19日

Tencent expected to raise US$1 billion in music unit's IPO

Tencent Holdings Ltd. (00700.HK) is expected to raise at least US$1 billion from an initial public offering of its music division, valuing it at US$10 billion, Bloomberg reports, citing people familia ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Apple may be eyeing AR boost from Shazam deal

As Apple strives to boost iPhone X production in China to meet strong global demand for its latest flagship smartphone, the tech giant is also focusing on another important element in its business: Ap ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

AI搵歌拓廣告 發揮協同效應

蘋果公司斥資4億美元(約31.2億港元)收購音樂識別平台Shazam的消息終在周一(11日)獲得證實。市場人士 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月13日

Apple in talks to acquire music identification app Shazam

Apple Inc. is in talks to acquire Shazam Entertainment Ltd, whose software helps users identify songs by pointing their phone at an audio source, Reuters reports, citing a person familiar with the sit ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-11

回應海量劣評 挽救產品形象

蘋果上周五證實,已經兩年沒有插手公司日常運作的設計總監艾夫(Jony Ive)重新接管設計團隊,參與設計工作, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月11日


彭博引述知情人士報道,全球最大網上視頻平台YouTube計劃明年3月推出新的付費音樂服務,內部暫名為Remix ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月09日

蘋果業績靚 市值衝破7萬億

市場早前睇淡蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)新一代手機iPhone 8及iPhone X的銷售表現,實情卻是蘋 ...全文


Spotify's valuation hits US$16 bln in private trades

Private trades in Spotify shares are valuing the music streaming company at about US$16 billion, according to people familiar with the deals, raising the prospect of a bumper flotation next year, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-28


Spotify將IPO對數位音樂串流平台(music streaming platform)的成長,寫下一個新 ...全文


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