
共 1996 個結果
頁數:1...74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ...100

A new Cold War between US and China will benefit no one

The writing is on the wall. A new cold war is coming. In light of the rampant criticisms of its lack of transparency, suppression of information, and ineptitude at communicating the crisis clearly to ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-11


周前應邀到香港兒童醫院在網上講了一堂倫理課,主題是抗疫中的深切治療服務應當如何配給(rationing)。邀請 ...全文


Johnson & Johnson優勢出眾

承上集有關Johnson & Johnson(強生公司)的分析。擁有立法無上權力的眾議院議員不單不會當 ...全文


抗疫開缺口 歐對俄邊制裁邊合作

新型冠狀病毒COVID-19爆發後,好似一夕之間就改變了民眾的生活習慣,行人們戴着口罩匆匆走過從前人滿為患的街 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點湯鈞佑2020年05月09日


要體現國家意志的強弱,正如個人意志的強弱,首先要講個人的鬥志,強者不輕言放棄;其次要想盡辦法去克服困難;第三是 ...全文

今日信報時事評論鄭赤琰 程陽春2020年05月09日

管道工程(01865) 其他-業務發展最新情況

管道工程(01865) 自願性公告 有關COVID-19近期爆發的業務更新(156KB, pdf) ...全文


Climate action can help fight pandemics

The COVID-19 crisis has brought economies around the world to a standstill. Huge swaths of manufacturing have been idled, and sectors such as aviation and tourism are largely shuttered. Amid all the e ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-08


今次疫情人類面對的挑戰是新冠病毒,是RNA病毒,RNA病毒非常狡猾,突變速度快,而且行蹤詭秘。 流行病學家其中 ...全文


The pandemic helps promote development of telemedicine in HK

Telemedicine has long been regarded as one of the strategic solutions for tackling ageing population and reducing medical burden. It has been widely used in the covid-19 outbreak. It is widely believe ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-07

世紀金花(00162) 其他-業務發展最新情況

世紀金花(00162) 自願公告 冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情對業務營運之影響(158KB, pdf) ...全文


The public face of the coronavirus fight

Amid the widespread disenchantment of the Hong Kong public with the administration, one would think that whoever represents the government in the fight against the coronavirus would have the most than ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-06

The misguided war on global value chains

Most international trade and investment occurs in networks which divide production into discrete steps that can be carried out in different countries. Firms exchange inputs and outputs in cross-border ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-06


又是連續4天假期的結束,昨天是5月5日(星期二),是農曆的「立夏」,象徵炎夏來到北半球。其實,早在4月尾,太陽 ...全文


How COVID-19 crisis creates powerful catalysts for change

Markets have experienced a powerful bounce in April, with US and global growth stocks leading the way, while “value” sectors have been more mixed. Oil-and travel-related equities continue to suffer. F ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-05

Biodiversity or bust

The blame game has begun. The number of COVID-19 victims is still unknown, but there is a stream of hate and misinformation pervading timelines. The damage of disinformation and the virus itself to fa ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-05


新冠肺炎可以說是席捲全球,已經超過350萬人受到感染。另一方面,哮喘是全世界其中一種最常見的慢性疾病,全球大約 ...全文



新冠肺炎影響全球,全球確診個案超過350萬宗,蔓延到世界各地100多個國家,感染新冠病毒的人口已經是SARS的 ...全文


解除壟斷枷鎖 改革救命藥供應

試想像如果世界是這樣:一個由醫學專業人士組成的全球網絡,監測一種傳染性病毒的新變種,定期更新一種已建立針對這種 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機J. Stiglitz、A. Jayadev、A. Prabhala2020年05月05日


英國首相於3月呼籲市民踴躍參加的NHS Responder志願服務,人數超過了75萬,但項目欠缺策劃人,許多志 ...全文


怡園酒業(08146) 內幕消息

怡園酒業(08146) 內幕消息 與COVID-19爆發有關的本集團最新財務業績(217KB, pdf) ...全文


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