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「Relief, trauma, exhaustion, habituation, mourning, the ...全文


福中知福 居危思安

從2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)擴散全球,愈演愈烈,便可知香港處理得宜,值得慶幸。 猶記得2013沙士 ...全文



過去兩日看過美國經濟很差、失業率飆升,不過,華府和聯儲局已相當大手泵錢,緣何仍無法阻止倒閉、裁員潮?照計美國最 ...全文


Post-pandemic cities

Our cities will not be the same after COVID-19. Nor should they be. In Italy, as elsewhere, the public-health crisis has put us on the defensive. Our hospitals have been inadequate. And our cities, ha ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17


嚴峻的新冠病毒疫情,市民都因為觸目驚心數字變化和推進不安畏懼。全球國家的地圖,都被數字掩蓋。大家的情緒和生活, ...全文



瘟疫抗戰跨世紀 禽獸傳人奪億命   西班牙流感(H1N1) 1918年第一次世界大戰結束後,發生了人類有史以來 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global疫情專題2020年04月17日

Saving the developing world from COVID-19

Declining coronavirus infection rates and plans to begin easing lockdown measures in some parts of the developed world have provided a ray of hope after weeks of unrelenting gloom. But, for many devel ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-16

Toward a European Reconstruction Fund

Last week, the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, having acknowledged that nobody is to blame for the COVID-19 crisis, agreed to a deal to mitigate its economic fallout. The agreement includes € ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-16

Worrying signs for China: Heightened hubris amid pandemic

In recent weeks, China’s state media has been packed with reports of Beijing’s humanitarian spirit, its willingness to share its experience in dealing with the coronavirus epidemic and its dispatch of ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-16

亞洲信貸穩健 大跌後估值吸引

剛過去的3月投資環境十分波動,從新型冠狀病毒(Covid-19)疫情所帶來嚴重的經濟衝擊,至沙地阿拉伯與俄羅斯 ...全文



昨天談及,人體在燃燒脂肪的過程中會產生一些有害的物質,包括一個叫「甲基乙二醛」(Methylglyoxal,簡 ...全文



美國總統特朗普向以「炒魷魚」著稱,對他自己的公司職員如此。當上總統後,對他的下屬更是動輒毫不手軟,一聲令下,馬 ...全文


Worrying signs for China: Heightened hubris amid pandemic

In recent weeks, China's state media has been packed wi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年04月16日

歐美日韓讚賞 抗疫台灣經驗

肆虐全球的武漢肺炎(2019冠狀病毒疾病,COVID-19),造成沉重災難。各地抗疫的得與失,民眾心中有數,如 ...全文


長江生科再引入分銷 新冠肺炎快測試劑盒

長江生命科技(00775)將分銷以血清學診斷為基礎的新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)快速檢測試劑盒。該公司 ...全文


長江生命科技(00775) 其他-業務發展最新情況

長江生命科技(00775) 業務進展更新 - BIOLIDICS旗下COVID-19血清學試劑盒的分銷協議(1 ...全文


Looking at the bright side amid the pandemic

We are living like rats in the Year of the Rat, one netizen observed in a social media post that has since gone viral. “We are all in hiding. We only come out to get food. We store the food in our hom ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

Coronavirus vs Australia housing market

In Australia, whenever something resembling a crisis comes along, the housing doomsayers will come scurrying out of their dens with proclamations of “Repent! The end is near!”. And for the longest tim ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

The human-capital costs of the crisis

US President Donald Trump tells us that once COVID-19 is contained and it is safe to go back to work, the economy will be “great again.” Is he right? There is at least one reason to think he is. After ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

How the pandemic could change agriculture

As the COVID-19 pandemic forces countries to close their borders, their agricultural sectors are confronting major challenges. Even in countries that are unlikely to face food insecurity – such as tho ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

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