
共 1996 個結果
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The necessary rise of Africa's health tech

... sponse to COVID-19 has spurred innovation – and investment – in the sector. Health tech in Africa attracted more funding in 2020 than ever before. African health-tech start-ups can grow quickly becaus ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-27

The nightmare of being the close contact person

Something is worse than Omicron. It is bad to be infected with Covid-19, but even worse if you are deemed as the close contact person. Hong Kong people are bracing for a not very Happy New Year next w ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-26


兩年多來,2019年冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)大流行一直影響着我們的社交、財務和其他日常活動。截至今年1 ...全文

今日信報時事評論蘇家培 朱文英 羅鳳儀2022年01月26日

COVID-19 mess: We need an exit strategy

... nt of the COVID-19 virus. Whether it be the mega-cluster in Kwai Chung, the allegedly-hamster-induced outbreak in Causeway Bay, or, indeed, the Kwun Tong cluster – one fact is clear, Omicron is here, ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

Employment prospects in 2030

... d how the COVID-19 epidemic has affected the company’s digital transformation strategy released by the consulting firm McKinsey in the middle of the year. The survey, conducted early this year, interv ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-24

Domino's調度得宜 疫境中化危為機

... 在這幾年(新冠肺炎叫COVID-19,今年已是2022年!)「被迫」養成的習慣亦難以逆轉。Domino's在這 ...全文



... ron的變異,要先從COVID-19的病毒說起,它的最大特徵是表面像皇冠的棘蛋白,這是和人體細胞結合的「鑰匙」 ...全文


How Facebook became the opium of the masses

... imes more COVID-19 vaccine disinformation than the average American. The situation is so dire, and government action so inept, that Czechs rely on civil society – including volunteers known as the Cze ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

三葉草生物-B(02197) 其他-業務發展最新情況

... 實其預防所有嚴重程度COVID-19的保護效力(155KB, pdf) ...全文



... 或綜合後遺症症狀的「COVID-19後遺症」。這是由一系列不同的疾病組成,其中有急性的、慢性的或兩者兼有,並且 ...全文


聯泰控股(00311) 盈利警告 / 內幕消息

聯泰控股(00311) 盈利預告及有關COVID-19疫苗接種率的最新情況(329KB, pdf) ...全文


【輪證贏家】恒指彈高 「人道」對Put

... 就咁樣因為幾隻驗到有COVID-19嘅病毒而成批「人道」不得停,仲要講明喺上年12月22日買咗倉鼠嘅,麻煩主人 ...全文


A pro-family agenda for America starts in California

... eightened COVID-19 risk. Without it, Goldman Sachs projects that first-quarter GDP growth in the United States could be a full percentage point lower than it would have been. Even more important, BBB ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

A bad year for US equity market?

... inking of COVID-19 as an endemic rather than a pandemic threat. But in that case, economic policymakers would need to consider whether many of their emergency monetary and fiscal policies are still ne ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17

Searching for possible solutions to food crisis

... Under the COVID-19 epidemic, many regions have suffered severe economic shocks, resulting in a large number of people having to starve, deepening the global famine problem. If the world does not take ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17

E-commerce forges B2B2C alliance with on-demand delivery partner

COVID-19 has fueled a surge in online shopping, attested by government data that show a sharp growth in retail sales in Hong Kong for the ninth straight month in October, reflecting the remarkable res ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17


... Coat-19,亦即COVID-19的諧音。這件羽絨是透明的,從外面已經可以清楚地看出內裏每個口罩,甚有創意。 ...全文


What Biden should do on trade

... ntal, and COVID-19 policies, including by returning the US to the Paris accord and reversing America’s withdrawal from the WHO. But Biden has been very slow to roll back his predecessor’s protectionis ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-14

Whatever happened to soft power?

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic, China has tried to use so-called “vaccine diplomacy” to bolster its soft power, which had been damaged by its secretive handling of the initial outbreak of the coronavirus ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-14

Argentina’s COVID miracle

Although COVID-19 has been hard on everyone, it has not been an “equal opportunity” disease. The virus poses a greater threat to those who are already in poor health, many of whom are concentrated in ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-12

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