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內房估值近見頂 與時並進科技4.0

本欄月初為文分析的海爾電器(01169),至今升了約25%,希望讀者都有斬獲。港股持續氣勢如虹,而海爾電器短短 ...全文



隨着科技發展的日新月異,再加上數據量和數據產生的速度不斷增長,幾年前看起來很前衞的系統已迅速顯得落伍。具有前瞻 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Steve Taylor2018年01月20日


近日本港的創科業界聚會人氣冷清,皆因很多IT人、Startuper、投資者都out of town,但他們不是 ...全文



2017年11月17日,香港科技大學舉行畢業典禮,MBA Class of 2017正式晉身校友行列,我是當中 ...全文


陸金所擬4月港掛牌 估值五千億

中國平安(02318)旗下陸金所盛傳分拆多時,周五(12日)有內地傳媒引述陸金所股權轉讓的簡單意向文件,指陸金 ...全文



港交所(00388)股價昨天最高升至275元,創下兩年多高位,距離保守估計的目標290至300元似乎不遠。今年 ...全文



新經濟的領導人要有科技管理的新思維,新經濟因為藉助科技和網絡平台進行管理,策略制定會由上而下,執行則是由下而上 ...全文


首家科技險企 內地批准開業

科技全面滲透各行各業,繼金融科技(FinTech)後,又有科技保險的出現。中國保監會公布,同意中國太平保險集團 ...全文


Alibaba to 'seriously consider' HK listing, says Jack Ma

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. will “seriously consider” listing in Hong Kong, founder Jack Ma said, potentially providing a powerful boost to the financial hub which is preparing to allow dual-class shar ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

Manpower trends: Why we need to focus on STEM education

A human resources consultancy has interviewed nearly 60,000 employers in 43 countries on their anticipation of manpower demand in the first quarter of 2018, compared with fourth quarter 2017. The resu ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

China tech firms raised record US$58 billion in 2017

China’s startups and tech giants raised an all-time high of US$58.8 billion in disclosed investments last year, topping the 2016 record of US$2.7 billion, Tech in Asia data shows. Chinese ride-sharing ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

China Fintech: 2nd consumer credit bureau in sight now

Last week, on January 4, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) accepted a license application for consumer credit bureau led by the National Internet Finance Association of China. As of now, the Credit Re ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

8 Securities banks on robo-advisor, free trading to lure clients

Local fintech startup 8 Securities launched Hong Kong’s first artificial intelligence financial advisor and wealth management app in late 2016. About a year after App Chloe's launch, the robo-advisor ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-08

China restrictions to hit profits of payments firms

A decision by China’s central bank to rein in reserve funds held by payment firms could cost the industry upwards of US$689 million a year, spur consolidation and alter the way Asia’s biggest tech fir ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-08


金融科技(FinTech)席捲金融界,去年9月金管局、證監會及保監局亦聯手合作推出監管沙盒,容許跨越各監管界別 ...全文


Dual-class listing plans draw interest from local startups

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx) has announced a proposal to allow the listing of "new economy" companies with dual-class share structure, and a revised listing rule for biotech companies with ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-05

LeTV’s former Asia-Pacific chief moves into fintech

I ran into an old friend at a fintech product launch the other day. He is Mok Chui-tin, LeTV's former chief executive for the Asia-Pacific region. He moved to the United States to develop internet ele ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-28


一年將盡,展望來年,一家人力資源顧問公司訪問了43個國家和地區的近6萬名僱主,諮詢他們預計2018年第一季與2 ...全文


The challenges confronting China’s digital economy

China’s digital economy is a force to be reckoned with. The country now accounts for 42 percent of global e-commerce, boasts one-third of the world’s most successful tech startups, and conducts 11 tim ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-27


早前在一個金融科技產品發布會上碰到一位老朋友,他就是樂視亞太區前CEO莫翠天【圓圖】。莫翠天去年到美國發展互聯 ...全文


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