紐西蘭主權財富基金Superannuation Fund公布,截至6月30日止年度錄得14.9%回報,管理資產 ...全文
特斯拉(Tesla)股價積弱,上周五有報道指該公司放棄低價車計劃,拖累股價一度挫逾6%,行政總裁馬斯克隨即在社 ...全文
澳洲主權財富基金Future Fund截至6月底止一年回報達6%,管理資產增至破紀錄的2562億澳元(約1.2 ...全文
美國擬加大力度限制對華投資,據彭博報道,拜登政府接近完成制定一項行政命令,限制美國企業對中國科技領域的投資,並 ...全文
《黑天鵝》作者塔利布(Nassim Taleb)警告投資者要為痛苦地返回現實做好準備,形容聯儲局加息就像迪士尼 ...全文
電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)股價周二再插8%,市值縮至約4351億美元,自2020年以來首次低過美國最大油 ...全文
市場對各地央行進一步加息及經濟衰退的憂慮揮之不去,美股周一好淡爭持,三大指數最終連跌第4個交易日。 道指近平開 ...全文
特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克以天價私有化Twitter後,該社交媒體的財政壓力大增,正積極減省成本,據《 ...全文
The Northern Metropolis vision was promulgated in the 2021 Policy Address, and the project entails huge investments. In addition to the various infrastructure investments revealed by the Government la ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-02
加密貨幣交易所FTX爆煲,坊間忽然多了FTX專家,詳細列出各種存在已久的不祥之兆,彷彿事件早已「寫在牆上」,盡 ...全文
I have a few thoughts on this year's policy address: 1. Open data should be both quantitative and qualitative: The latest policy address lists 110 quantitative key performance indicators to facilitate ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-04
澳洲主權財富基金Future Fund截至6月底止一年回報僅跌1.2%,儘管這是該基金自金融危機以來最差的年度 ...全文
澳洲央行今日議息,料自2010年以來首次加息,以遏抑通脹和樓價上漲,但當地樓市已呈降溫跡象。房地產研究機構Co ...全文
On the eve of the announcement of this year's Budget, due to the severe situation of the epidemic, it is understandable that the Budget continues to introduce counter-cyclical measures to support peop ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-21
加密貨幣交易所FTX周一宣布,成立FTX未來基金(FTX Future Fund),預留10億美元(約78億港 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年03月02日
Despite the concerted efforts of the government and public in fighting COVID-19, a fourth wave of the pandemic is taking hold in Hong Kong. To successfully curb or even end this global pandemic, all h ...More
EJ Insight2021-02-19