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匈牙利和波蘭否決了歐盟提交的1.15萬億歐羅(約1.4萬億美元)7年預算,以及7500億歐羅的歐洲復甦基金方案 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年11月24日


匈牙利和波蘭否決了歐盟提交的1.15萬億歐羅(折合1.4萬億美元)7年預算以及7500億歐羅的歐洲復甦基金方案 ...全文


Europe must stand up to Hungary and Poland

Hungary and Poland have vetoed the European Union’s proposed €1.15 trillion ($1.4 trillion) seven-year budget and the €750 billion European recovery fund. Although the two countries are the budget’s b ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-20

約翰遜讓步 內部市場議案添修正條款

英國國會下議院周一通過具爭議性的「內部市場議案」(Internal Market Bill)二讀,將於下周二進 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年09月18日

Toward a European Reconstruction Fund

Last week, the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, having acknowledged that nobody is to blame for the COVID-19 crisis, agreed to a deal to mitigate its economic fallout. The agreement includes € ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-16

英歐明進入過渡期 貿談緊逼

歐洲議會周三對英國首相約翰遜提出的脫歐協議進行表決,結果以621票贊成、49票反對及13票棄權獲得通過,持續3 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月31日

象徵式表決通過脫歐協議 結束47年關係

歐洲議會751名議員周三對英國首相約翰遜(Boris Johnson)提出的脫歐協議進行最終投票並通過,由於歐 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global脫歐倒數2020年01月30日


美國《時代雜誌》的權威性毋庸置疑,一年一度的風雲人物(Person of the Year)評選更加是舉世矚目 ...全文


The Battle for Britain

The Brexit “Leave” campaign has been billed as an effort to “take back control” by restoring “sovereignty” to the United Kingdom’s Parliament. It is thus deeply ironic that one of the first moves of t ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02


約翰遜要求暫停國會,被視為阻止國會通過無協議脫歐的手段,增加硬脫歐的機會。愛爾蘭副總理兼外長科文尼(Simon ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月29日

Boris Johnson’s big lie

Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

A vote for populists is a vote for Putin

On May 18, European right-wing leaders assembled in Milan for a rally ahead of the European Parliament election this week. Among the attendees were Marine Le Pen of National Rally in France, Geert Wil ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

歐迫文翠珊接受軟脫 保守黨恐瓦解

英國脫歐進程裹足不前,國會於香港時間今天凌晨再次對不同脫歐選項舉行意向投票,投票前在野黨派及歐盟分別施壓,迫使 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global脫歐風暴2019年04月02日

Europe must unite on China

When seeking investment capital and seemingly lucrative commercial deals, EU member-state governments do not always consider shared European interests. This has especially been the case with respect t ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

選舉形勢愈亂 歐盟重整愈有機

相對於英國脫歐所帶來的不確定性及潛在風險,以及法國的黃背心事件,5月的歐洲議會選舉幾乎無人理會。從媒體操作而言 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2019年03月09日


英國脫歐協議仍未能獲國會通過,但歐洲議會已計劃下周啟動審議程序,通過英國脫歐協議。 歐洲議會首席脫歐談判員伏思 ...全文


Brexit demands a new British politics

The populist revolts in the United States and the United Kingdom have each reached a critical juncture. At the start of his third year in office, US President Donald Trump is presiding over the longe ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-23

Has Zuckerberg lost control of Facebook?

When Mark Zuckerberg, the chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Facebook, appeared before the European Parliament in May, I suggested to him that he had lost control of his company. As one of the few polit ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-30

The Brexitization of European politics

Far from settling the question of the United Kingdom’s future, the 2016 Brexit referendum and subsequent negotiations with the European Union have triggered a full-blown identity crisis and culture wa ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01

Drain the EU swamp

Populist leaders have long made gains by posing as the alternative to a “corrupt elite” that enriches itself at the expense of “the people”. According to the populists, only they can restore decency t ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-05

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