
共 12 個結果

【國際早班車】金正恩將晤普京 美警告北韓勿向俄供應武器

... ucker稱同意收購Hostess Brands,連同負債的交易作價為56億美元。■ 飛機引擎製造商普惠母公司 ...全文


Smucker同意收購Hostess 交易作價436億

美國食品集團J.M. Smucker表示,同意收購Twinkies麵包生產商Hostess Brands,連同 ...全文



... 對手、美國烘焙食品商Hostess Brands,收購家樂氏的曲奇品牌。 擅長買入被低估項目 旗下商品包括金莎 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年04月02日

A taste of authentic Italian cuisine in an ancient hill town

... mily. The hostess explained to us that there was no menu of dishes we could choose from, they just cook whatever is available for the day. Since that's the case, we let her decide what dishes we're go ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-24

How an improper massage can worsen neck injury

A recent patient of mine was an air hostess who sprained her neck after placing a passenger's carry-on luggage in an overhead locker. The pain spread to her shoulders and upper arm. But instead of vis ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

品牌大戰 槍林彈雨

... 腦筋 美國麵包生產商Hostess在Youtube播放幾條短片,鼓勵為夢想而奮鬥過的人;荷蘭代表隊的汽車供應商 ...全文


See how decadent police and pro-establishment camp have become

... a karaoke hostess bar somewhere in Beijing at night during their trip, and pictures showing them cuddling bar girls have gone viral on social media. Shortly after news and images of their “erotic safa ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-31

Meet Chihira, your hostess today, but you can't ask her out

You can ask Chihira Kanae for directions and some other questions but don't ask her out. She will ignore you. Try again in a few years when her creators will have made the almost-human robot, well, mo ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-11

How a Hello Kitty health clinic aims to put you in the pink

... nightclub hostess was kidnapped and tortured in an apartment on Granville Road in 1999. After a month of imprisonment and torture, she was killed, dismembered, and her skull was stuffed into a giant H ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22

US Navy to renew presence at former Philippines base

... a zone of hostess bars and prostitution that fostered local crime. Now, the returning military must stay on approved parts of the base.  A curfew will be enforced around the base from midnight to 5 am ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

Former securities firm director gets life term in murder case

... nightclub hostess girlfriend Chun ka-yee, 33, in her flat on October 6, 2011. Although there was nothing concrete that could link him to the murder, a jury of seven chose to side with the prosecution ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-20

Lulu the Genie: The making of a World Cup seer

... V program hostess and continued her football journey. Lulu knows how to work her fans. On June 4, she remarked on her Facebook page: “Manchester United had 89 points last year, but only 64 points this ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-26


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