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... 18億元。登記買家為Kwai Sze Hoi,跟遠航集團創辦人桂四海同名。 上述單位實用面積約5154方呎,5 ...全文


The straw that could hurt Camel Paint Building

...  Tong and Kwai Chung. Thanks to these operators who bring in creative ideas and cuisines and take advantage of the relatively cheaper rentals, workers in the neighborhood are able to enjoy decent and ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30


... the River Kwai)、1962年《沙漠梟雄》(Lawrence of Arabia)和1965年《齊 ...全文


What Lan Kwai Fong father says about nightlife economy

... amous Lan Kwai Fong since the mid-80s. In a video interview with New People’s Party legislator Adrian Ho King-hong, the father of Lan Kwai Fong wasted no time saying we should all get used to the new ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-23

No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

... ed in Lan Kwai Fong and particularly Tsim Sha Tsui last night as it is now quite trendy for local people to go across borders for entertainment and eating. That is also why within a five-minute proxim ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

How smart are smart schools in Hong Kong?

How far would a local school go to make its students smarter? Take Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, a boy school in Kwai Hing that went the extra mile to stimulate the young mind wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-21

One day, two mountains in Hong Kong

... suen Wan, Kwai Chung or different parts of the west side of Kowloon for a different cultural adventure. “Next time take a bus to Hong Kong. It is only half price than the high-speed train,” he said. H ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-24

Allan Zeman talks about why he’ll never give up on Hong Kong

... an of Lan Kwai Fong Group, Allan Zeman could pack his bags and move anywhere in the world, any time he likes. So why does the billionaire tycoon choose to stay in Hong Kong amid the ongoing pandemic? ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-16

Local companies sound emigration alarm to Hong Kong government

... er of Lan Kwai Fong. “The amount of people leaving is scary,” he said. “I have never seen it. Hong Kong’s success was always built on its people and a skilled workforce. If we keep the borders closed, ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-14

COVID-19 mess: We need an exit strategy

... luster in Kwai Chung, the allegedly-hamster-induced out ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月28日

The nightmare of being the close contact person

... ons. From Kwai Chung to Wong Tai Sin to Tsuen Wan, the unknown sources of Omicron variant keep growing and a geometric growth of infected cases is expected in the rest of the month. The dire situation ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-26

COVID-19 mess: We need an exit strategy

... luster in Kwai Chung, the allegedly-hamster-induced outbreak in Causeway Bay, or, indeed, the Kwun Tong cluster – one fact is clear, Omicron is here, and we are bearing in full force, collectively, it ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley沽一伙

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley售出1個單位。 美聯物業表示,單位 ...全文


EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley沽一戶

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley售出1個單位。 美聯物業表示,項目 ...全文



內地媒體報道,快手(01024)近月大幅調整海外業務,包括合併產品並提升效率,快手國際化事業部擬將Kwai中東 ...全文


EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley推20伙招租 意向呎租80元

遠中集團持有的跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley首階段將推出20個單位,部分連傢俬 ...全文


EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley一房2.1萬租出

跑馬地EIGHT KWAI FONG Happy Valley低層A室,實用面積約411方呎,1房間隔,外望開 ...全文


維港滙I再加推 周日143戶應市
帝御.嵐天36伙餘貨晒冷 呎價1.63萬

... 買家以私人名義桂冠(KWAI KWUN)購入,與遠航集團創辦人桂四海兒子的姓名相同;同日以1.55億元連2個車 ...全文


遠航集團創辦人家族購21 BORRETT ROAD兩戶

... 料顯示,買家為桂冠(KWAI KWUN),與遠航集團創辦人桂四海的兒子桂冠姓名相同。 同屋苑16樓2室,實用面 ...全文


大摩唱好 快手股價漲近8%

... 主要得益於快手國際版Kwai和SnackVideo的海外拓展,公司的首季MAU達到約9.5億,4月份已接近10 ...全文


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