美國電動車廠特斯拉(Tesla)近日股價狂飆,連帶內地多隻鋰電池股也炒起,包括寧德時代(300750.SZ)及 ...全文
Tesla Inc. posted the second quarterly profit in a row on record vehicle deliveries and said it would deliver more than 500,000 units this year, Reuters reports. The electric carmaker’s shares surged ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-30
美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)公布,截至12月31日止第四季利潤為1.05億美元,前一年度同期為1.4億 ...全文
特斯拉(Tesla)概念板塊昨日已大升,再有10隻概念股漲停,今日熱度未減。 旭升股份(603305.SH)今 ...全文
Tesla on Tuesday launched the Model Y electric sports utility vehicle program at the firm's new Shanghai factory, as it delivered its first cars built outside the United States to the public. CEO Elon ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-08
去年1月7日,政治局常務委員會(成員包括習近平為首的7名政治局委員)召開全天會議。2020年相同的會議、同樣選 ...全文
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)的上海超級工廠奠基剛滿一年,昨天宣布啟動製造Model Y汽車項目,同時在 ...全文
電動車特斯拉(Tesla)位於上海臨港的超級工廠今日首次向公眾用戶交付。 特斯拉創辦人馬斯克(Elon Mus ...全文
美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)上周五公布,2019年全年交貨量達到自設的目標,同時超越市場預期,刺激股價 ...全文
電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)上周四公開首款全電動貨車Cybertruck時,聲稱車窗防彈,結果現場測試被鐵 ...全文
Tesla Inc. unveiled its first electric pickup truck that looked like a futuristic angular armored vehicle in gunmetal gray, as the California company took aim at the heart of Detroit automakers’ profi ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-22
電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)周二宣布,第四座超級電池廠(Gigafactory)選址德國柏林。特斯拉創辦人 ...全文
Tesla Inc.’s third-quarter revenue tumbled 39 percent in the United States, its first drop in more than two years, but sales in China and other regions surged, Reuters reports. US sales, which account ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-30
Tesla Inc. surprised investors with a quarterly profit that sent its shares soaring as chief executive Elon Musk promised a 2020 rollout of a cheaper SUV and more self-driving technology, Reuters repo ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-24
美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)公布,第三季獲利1.43億美元,去年同期盈利為3.11億美元;每股經調整盈 ...全文
外電報道,美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)已經在上海超級工廠生產了一款完整的Model 3白車身,工廠計劃 ...全文
外電報道,美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)已經在上海超級工廠生產了一款完整的Model 3白車身,工廠計劃 ...全文
據外媒Electrek報道,美國電動車製造商特斯拉(Tesla)證實,從第二季開始在加州費利蒙(Fremont ...全文