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香櫞突唱好特斯拉 刺激股價漲逾5%

著名沽空機構香櫞研究(Citron Research)早前控告特斯拉(Tesla)及其行政總裁馬斯克(Elon ...全文


Investors query funding costs at a private Tesla

Several Tesla Inc. shareholders have told Reuters they are concerned that the electric car maker will have to pay more to fund its growth if it becomes a private company and loses the ability to sell ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-20


美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)昨天跟上海市政府簽署協議,將於當地的臨港地區開設廠房,每年可製造50萬輛汽 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月11日

Tesla財困 裁員逾3000
15年來最大規模 歸咎高速擴展

美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)周二向員工發內部電郵,表示公司須節省營 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月14日

Tesla to cut 9% of workforce as it seeks to stem losses

Electric carmaker Tesla is cutting several thousand jobs as it seeks to reduce costs and become profitable without endangering the critical production ramp-up for its Model 3 sedan. In an email he sai ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

Tesla vows to curb spending after worst-ever quarterly loss

Tesla Inc. sought to downplay investor concerns over its finances, saying it expected to achieve net profits in its third and fourth quarters after posting its worst-ever quarterly loss on Wednesday. ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-03

Tesla aims to begin Model Y production in Nov 2019: report

Tesla is targeting November 2019 for start of production of its Model Y sport utility vehicle, with output in China to begin two years later, Reuters reports, citing sources familiar with the matter. ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-12

特斯拉傳明年產Model Y

路透引述消息人士稱,美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)目標是在2019年11月,開始生產Model Y運動型 ...全文



現實版「鐵甲奇俠」馬斯克(Elon Musk)私人公司SpaceX研發的火箭成功一飛沖天,但他主理的電動汽車生 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年02月09日

特斯拉年內投資Model Y

美國電動汽車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)在電話會議上表示,該公司將於今年第三 ...全文


Tesla posts worst-ever quarterly loss, maintains Model 3 target

Tesla Inc. said it is sticking with chief executive Elon Musk’s revised production targets for its Model 3 electric sedan after posting its worst-ever quarterly loss, and warned that spending will inc ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-08

我承諾會在Model Y型號投產後,推出小型卡車。

美國電動汽車生產商Tesla的電動車家族將添加一員猛將。公司行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)說,心目中已 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金口一開2017年12月30日

Tesla季蝕48億 歷來最傷

美國電動車生產商Tesla在第三季出現歷來最嚴重的季度虧損,並首次披露新車Model 3在生產上遇到的真正問題 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月03日

Tesla moves a step closer to building electric cars in China

Tesla Inc. took a step closer toward establishing an electric vehicle manufacturing plant in China with its announcement that it is in exploratory talks with the Shanghai municipal government, Reuters ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23


美國電動車生產商Tesla股價上周五再創歷史新高,公司市值一度超越德國寶馬汽車(BMW),成為全球市值第四大的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年06月12日

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