
共 2410 個結果
頁數:1...97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ...121

ETFs can help diversify the risks

As China seeks a structural shift in its economy by focusing more on domestic consumption and reducing the reliance on exports, the stock markets could see further gyrations in 2016. Old economy firms ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-09

Shenyang industrial park offers a glimpse of Made in China 2025

China’s State Council has given a mandate to a Sino-German industrial park in Shenyang to spearhead the transformation of northeastern China and drive the region's industrial sector to become more int ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-08

How China's richest man deploys IT in management

Dalian Wanda Group has a workforce of more than 90,000 and runs operations in over 100 cities, but its founder Wang Jianlin remains aggressive as ever in pursuing expansion opportunities. As managemen ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-07

Hong Kong should make laws to cover these new technologies

It's a new year. I think the Hong Kong government should start making laws to regulate several new technologies. First, the hoverboard. Most of the hoverboards we see in Hong Kong were made by mainlan ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-05


羊年漸晚、猴年臨近之際,筆者藉此機會預祝各位讀者投資順利,過一個豐盛安穩的好年。展望2016年大市表現,料內地 ...全文



羊年漸晚、猴年臨近之際,筆者藉此機會預祝各位讀者投資順利,度過一個豐盛安穩的好年。展望2016年大市表現,內地 ...全文


Is it me, or is there too much fawning over Singapore?

Whoever thinks Hong Kong is a cool place should take a look at Singapore because it is a mini paradise and an efficient one at that. Yes, the heat is unbearable, which is odd when you think of Christm ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

悶市難發圍 追逐三四線股

美股與A股周三造好,但港股在期指結算日偏軟,先升後回,恒指收報21882點,下滑117點;國指收報9659點, ...全文



❶大市/指數表現 港股周三期指結算,亦是2015年最後一個全日市,惟未有跟隨隔晚美股造好。恒指周三早市最多升1 ...全文


Goodbye, coin phone

Remember those days when you stood in line outside a store to make a phone call? Or you were paged by a receptionist to take a call ("Mr Chan, line two please") in a dim sum restaurant? If you do, yo ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-29


美國聯儲局在本月16日正式決定,將聯邦基金利率上調0.25厘,亦是自2006年以來首次加息。宏觀經濟事件一直被 ...全文



美國聯儲局在本月16日正式決定,把聯邦基金利率上調0.25厘,亦是自2006年以來首次加息。宏觀經濟事件一直被 ...全文


Why luxury sector woes could be a blessing in disguise

Hong Kong's retail sector can bounce back from the current sluggish phase, as it did in the past in the wake of the 2003 SARS crisis and the 2008 global financial meltdown, an industry chief says. "Ho ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-28

Google plans 'smart' messaging app

Google Inc. is building a new mobile messaging service that uses artificial intelligence and chatbot technology, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. It is an attempt by the inter ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-23


內地經濟下行壓力巨大,已是公開的秘密。故此,市場普遍預期2016年中央/人民銀行還會進一步雙降(降準、減息), ...全文


Why Hong Kong is an ideal home for startups targeting Asia

Back in 2009, when Hong Kong was still reeling from the global financial crisis and few had heard of the term startup or co-working space, Cyberport completed its first Smart-Space. The city now has o ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22


筆者於本欄上篇文章,揭示了當前企業和投資者互動的新趨勢。當中,負責任擁有權原則和「環境、社會和企業管治」(ES ...全文


How the generation gap is holding back Hong Kong

Hong Kong used to be full of vibrant new ideas and energetic talent that helped transform it into a global metropolis. But in the 18 years since the handover to China, it has been losing that competit ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-21

How Big Data can help enhance HK-Shenzhen links

Building a "smart" city involves massive amount of data. For governments seeking to build such cities, the key issue is how to collect, optimize, store, process and analyze data to make models and pre ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-19

How enterprises can help transform Hong Kong into a smart city

Earlier this year, the Hong Kong government raised in the chief executive's policy address the feasibility of developing a "smart city" in Kowloon East. In October, IDC Asia Pacific announced the mos ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-19

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