
共 2410 個結果
頁數:1...96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 ...121

Why CY wants to insert himself into the Democratic Party dinner

In politics, there's nothing like being thick-skinned. What else can you make of Leung Chun-ying's latest flap and his comeback that was worse than the gaffe? Leung marked the Democratic Party's anniv ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-02

Policy address fails to inspire hope amid challenges

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's fourth policy address has failed to boost his record-low ratings. I think it lacked long-term planning and opened himself to criticism. Two worthwhile initiatives. Th ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01


1月29日,周五。潮流興講官鱷對決,索羅斯固然成為眾矢之的,有「寸嘴大鱷」之稱的阿克曼(Bill Ackman ...全文


What Hong Kong must do to move ahead in Internet of Things

Last October, research firm IDC outlined the most outstanding Smart City Initiatives across Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) in its 2015 Smart City Evolution Index competition. Hong Kong's Science Park ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-29

India launches US$7.5 bln makeover to create smart cities

India is launching a US$7.5 billion effort to provide 20 cities with uninterrupted power and water supplies, proper sanitation and public transport, giving them European-level living standards. Thirte ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-29


CASIO EX-FR100 16mm超廣角F2.8大光圈鏡頭、1020萬有效像素、1/2.3吋背照式CMOS ...全文


It's the worst time for brokers, or may be not

Plunging stock prices and lackluster trading are not necessarily bad news, if you know how to manage the gloom. Local brokerage Bright Smart Securities (01248.HK) distributed HK$1 million worth of gif ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

Taiwan nationalist Tsai will face Chinese nationalist Xi

During the campaign leading up to Taiwan’s Jan. 16 elections, Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Democratic Progressive Party, took part in singing the national anthem at public events, but her lips visibly ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

輕量級車價 重量級驚喜
東洋小飛俠Toyota S-FR

日前有報道指本港旅行社於今個農曆新年的5天日本豪華團團費,每位收費兩萬多元,平均4000元一日。若一家五口來一 ...全文


Centralized management doomed to fail

One’s achievement should not be evaluated by him/herself but by others. Influential people may worry about losing their authority, but the irony is, those who are most respected are humble people who ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19


個人的成就、是「叻人」或不是,應由大眾來評價。就算世上最聰明、讀書最多的人,一經自己口說出來,不惹來負評,也不 ...全文


新增光學防手震 Galaxy A5/A7 2016

新一年開始之際,Samsung率先推出兩款Galaxy A 2016系列智能手機,分別為Galaxy A5(2 ...全文



落筆寫大人物傳記,如在最高品質的鑽石中找瑕疵,如何在芸芸史學家和作家提出過的觀點中,找尋新的角度,鳳毛中找麟角 ...全文


Why official word on RMB decline provokes skepticism

The mainland stock markets are being dragged down on one side by weak investor confidence amid a decelerating economy and on the other side by overseas short sellers of the renminbi. Unlike what the g ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

A third Industrial Revolution is on its way

I attended the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas days ago. The CES is a showcase of the world’s technology development. This year, I didn't see as many revolutionary products as it had in ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

2016 Policy Address: too macro while too micro

As the old saying goes, it is always the little things in life that count, and it appears Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is a firm believer in this proverb. In his latest Policy Address, our chief ex ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

上海証大炒易手 股價未止跌

2016年的開局是超過10年來最差的,單是頭9個交易日恒指已累跌2096點,幅度達到9.57%,情況恰恰與19 ...全文


Aerospace Communication to benefit from military industry boom

The start of the year saw stocks related to the military industry gaining investors' favor. As tensions in the South China Sea mount, countries step up moves to strengthen their military capabilities. ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-11


北京控股(00392)旗下的北京燃氣,與藍天威力(06828)訂立3項協議,包括出售資產、認購股份及認購可換股 ...全文


美顏自拍神器 CASIO EX-TR70

作為自拍相機的始祖,CASIO又有新作EX-TR70推出,主打嶄新「粉紅嫩肌」美顏模式,以及「美顏影片」功能。 ...全文


頁數:1...96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 ...121

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