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東方匯理資產管理(Amundi)昨天在港推出其亞洲首隻ETF(交易所買賣基金),並決心要於5年內成為區內五大E ...全文



上月初本欄指出,當時「醒目資金流向指標」(Smart Money Flow Index)節節上升,與道指走勢背 ...全文



這幾天,筆者與各方的朋友,包括在內地的朋友談起香港的未來發展問題,事後,筆者從多維角度進行檢討,覺得香港經濟的 ...全文



金融科技(Fintech)成熱話,新創企業力圖透過網絡科技,截取傳統銀行業忽視的細分市場及利潤。上周有兩家從事 ...全文


Stud stallions a lucrative investment

It’s quite common for listed companies to acquire assets, whether businesses, property, cars, wine or even airplanes. However, Sun International Resources Ltd. (08029.HK) said Wednesday that it spent ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-08

How Hong Kong's TV landscape is changing

It's the best of times and the worst of times for Hong Kong's television industry. First, the good news: the city finally has a new free-to-air station as Viu TV kicks off its service today, promising ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

Wealth inequality: Why higher estate taxes make sense

Conventional wisdom tells us that inequality is an inevitable by-product of strong economic growth. Talent, innovation and entrepreneurship will inevitably capture the lion’s share of the income being ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07


如何在股票身上尋找一些能影響其未來股價變動的因子(Factors),一直都是財務學者及業界為之鍥而不捨的議題。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資數裏見真章龐兆恩 林建2016年04月07日

智能電話科技延伸 串連手錶 便利生活

話說Smart Watch初出現時,是為了智能電話而生,在顯示日期時間之餘,主要是用作檢視訊息。直到兩年多前, ...全文


Is this the new normal in iPhone launches?

Apple product launches have been blockbuster media spectacles. Not this one in which Apple introduced its cheapest iPhone. Sure, the iPhone SE sold out in Hong Kong Thursday but counter sales don't cr ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

Lee Bo saga: Why the suspicions will remain

Bookseller Lee Bo (also known as Lee Po) has been allowed by mainland authorities to travel back to Hong Kong. During his first trip to the city last week following his three-month-long disappearance, ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

Public transport can be a lot smarter if operators are more open

The 112-year Hong Kong Tramways may be the oldest mode of public transport in the city, but it is also the most open-minded when it comes to sharing real-time information. Since 2012, Tramways has imp ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

耶倫放鴿 買定TIPS抗通脹

耶倫再次將市場的加息預期押後,美股、美債、黃金即時上升,感覺上市場又再次回到2014年至2015年中的氣氛,即 ...全文


Finding the balance between risk and return

All the complicated investment strategies are ultimately about seeking a balance between risk and return. While the goal of investment varies from one case to another, there is no correct answer as to ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-30


筆者於上月25日在英國倫敦出席當地一項盛事──由一個專業協助創立社會企業、譽滿全球的Unltd所舉辦的「大社會 ...全文



3月22日,周二。投資產品、理財服務五花八門,今天的投資者幸福嗎?More is less,反之亦然,愚見盡在 ...全文


Can China deal with coal miners protests over mass layoffs?

Street protests by tens of thousands of coal miners in the northeast province of Heilongjiang for back pay and job security are a sign of what is to come this year in China as it attempts to lay off u ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22

Cheapest iPhone ever is out

Apple Inc. has launched its lowest-priced iPhone and slashed the price of its smart watch. The new four-inch iPhone SE will start at US$399, or US$50 less than the iPhone 5S where it is based on, but ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22


聰明啤打投資,又名Smart Beta,是一種以市值以外的「因素」(factors)來決定指數成分權重的投資策 ...全文



3月21日,周一。It's the best of times, it's the worst of time ...全文


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