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5月8日,周日。近期多了許多人講金。無他,三個月前黃金和金礦股幾乎送都冇人要,但唔信唔信爆上,成為今年表現最耀 ...全文



月初在《信報》讀到相當有水平的期權文章「期權市場帶來的選股啟示」, 該文解釋了一篇學術論文Y. Xing, X ...全文


打敗指數 跳出市值框框

傳統指數一般追蹤大盤股票表現,股票能否獲納入指數成為成分股,市值是主要條件之一。以富時中國A50指數為例,該指 ...全文



傳統指數一般追蹤指數股份表現,股票能否獲納入指數成為成分股,市值是主要條件之一。以富時中國A50指數為例,該指 ...全文


Taking on Tesla: China's Jia Yueting aims to outmuscle Musk

A Chinese technology firm seeks to beat Tesla Motors in the premium electric vehicle (EV) market with an all-electric, self-driving, web-connected car. "Tesla's a great company and has taken the globa ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-25

灰色籠罩香港 教育怎辦

今天的香港,政治爭拗是日日折舊,卻又天天新款,狗熊遁地,英雄升天,媒體自由喊價,故事一個接一個,橋段不怕舊,最 ...全文


Why crowdfunding backers often don't have good stories to tell

I have some friends who enjoy seeking interesting tech investments via crowdfunding platforms. However, their experience has not always been good. In some cases, the investors turned out very disappoi ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-21

How this startup helps pet owners the smart way

Have you ever experienced not being able to feed your pet because of work or travel? Now, it can be done remotely on a smartphone app. In this year’s Guangzhou International Pet Industry Fair, one of ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-21

Why the pan-democrats are counting on CY luggage saga

It boggles the mind as to why the police, who have always been so obsessed with preserving public order, would give permission to the Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants Union to stage a large si ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-21


本欄最近介紹了不少用量化投資去選股的方法,中間用到不少實證研究(empirical analysis),詳細分 ...全文

今日信報理財投資數裏見真章龐兆恩 林建2016年04月21日

Changan speeds up its quest for self-driving technology

If BYD Co. Ltd. is China's great hope in the electric-car arena, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd. aims to become the equivalent in self-driving technology. The carmaker recently completed a landm ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-19

HK sees some progress on Fintech, but still a long way to go

Hong Kong had an Internet Finance Summit in the city last weekend, with top industry players in attendance. Now, it's time to ask this question: what progress has the territory achieved in financial t ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-19

Astana Expo 2017 to revitalize Kazakhstan’s energy sector

Kazakhstan is an undisputed oil and gas giant, producing about 80 million tons of oil and natural-gas condensate every year. But now, the Central Asian nation has a new vision for the future: green ec ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-19


對於意馬國際(00585)早前計劃斥資18億元向民眾金服(00279)收購證券業務Smart Jump全部股權 ...全文



環球股市自2月中旬開始反彈,美股走勢可說是其中佼佼者,是表現頗為不俗的成熟市場。不過,正如4月12日本欄指出, ...全文



上周末到灣仔會展參與《信報》與旗下StartUpBeat主辦的「2016香港互聯網金融峰會」,既是國際IT匯的 ...全文


Why the China smart city partnership plan leaves us cold

In recent years, Hong Kong's policy roadmap on various issues, be it aviation planning, high-speed railway or financial market development, has borne the footprints of Beijing authorities. Now, the go ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14

Tesla uses 'crowdfunding' to finance production of Model 3

Two entrepreneurs at a startup company in Hong Kong have raised nearly HK$200 million (US$25.8 million) from crowdfunding website Kickstarter and venture capital funds to produce smart coffee machines ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-13

Why Priscilla Wong is singing praises of her dad

It appears that GEM board listings will now need to surge at least 20-fold on their debut if they want to attract good media coverage. Following the sweet success of Hypebeast (what a name – caveat em ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-13

Amundi seeks to be among top five ETF providers in Asia

Amundi Asset Management is aiming to become one of the top five providers of exchange-traded funds in Asia, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The firm launched its first ETF in Hong Kong on Tues ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-13

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