
共 817 個結果
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Facebook launches 'lightning bolt' news feed in Hong Kong

... s such as zoom and tilt to display high-resolution photos. Auto-play videos come alive as stories are scrolled. Interactive maps, audio captions and a like button have been embedded in individual part ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-03


... 時候買入,傳媒把鏡頭zoom到某個時段,有咁大煲咁大,前文後理唔重要,夠juicy就夠交差。 入股後狂升 今天 ...全文



講完大趨勢,係時候將鏡頭zoom回靠近一點的時間。 預計錯誤,10月風暴沒出現。到各市預計同步的轉角位一刻,結 ...全文



... 狂瀾。但我們若把鏡頭zoom-in,聚焦於部分關鍵戰場,就有不同看法。 例如昨天獲阿爺力撐的五大內銀股,當中的 ...全文


全球最高像素攝錄 Sony Xperia M5 Dual

... ear Image Zoom可以五倍清晰放大影像,以後當要拍下遙遠的人物景象時,仍可令影像保持清晰而不模糊。 ...全文


中階智能手機 Sony攝錄王者

... ear Image Zoom可以五倍放大影像而沒有因此變得矇矓。手機備有0.25秒自動對焦功能,即使一瞬即逝的 ...全文


垃圾拍得好 仍然是垃圾

... ,盡可能不要「鬆」(zoom)。無論是鬆入或鬆出,都可能嚴重影響畫面質素。與其「鬆」入,不如親身走近拍攝對象。 ...全文



... O斯考利提了一個詞叫zoom in和zoom out,前者指從戰略高度看整個行業方向,後者指把每個細節做到極致 ...全文



... 的空間包圍。然後鏡頭zoom out,畫面驟變開闊,揭示出他身後的白色原來是座位上的墊褥,他正身處一班即將要在 ...全文


Owl stars in daytime spectacle for shutterbugs

... rmed with zoom cameras, Apple Daily reported Wednesday. They were not disappointed.  The owl showed up at an open-air car park and dozens of cameras clicked away. The owl did not seem to be bothered b ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-27

Chinese chipmakers embrace IBM technology

...  company, Zoom Netcom, in a new line of servers dubbed RedPower.  An array of hardware based on Power8 technology was on display at an event in Silicon Valley this week, including prototype circuit bo ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-20

Tumblr eyes China as censors watch

... id, let's zoom in on the latest reports that say Tumblr is quietly preparing a Chinese-language version of its service that will make it available to users in the mainland. It's important to note that ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-21

A heavenly treat for astronomy buffs

On Jan. 26, an asteroid about a third of a mile in diameter will zoom past our planet.  Don't worry, it won't present any doomsday risk to life on Earth, but it will be the closest that it can get to ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-19

Regulator clarifies Microsoft probe, monopoly stance

... id, let's zoom in with a closer look at the defensive remarks from SAIC. The other is the powerful state planner, the National Development and Reform Commission. SAIC head Zhang Mao not only sought to ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-27

Ahrendts and Apple's next big thing: China

... l need to zoom in and adopt a more localized approach for the Chinese consumer. -- Contact us at [email protected] SC/JP/SK   ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-21

Auto e-commerce plays running ahead of fundamentals

... siness to zoom ahead, the current hoopla surrounding auto portals may be a bit excessive.   Share prices have probably moved much ahead of the companies' profit growth potential. Bitauto has a trailin ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-26

Dongfeng, Geely zoom in on smart French JVs

There's upbeat news from two of China's top domestic carmakers, led by word that Dongfeng Motor (HKEx: 489) has finally signed a joint-venture deal to make sport utility vehicles (SUVs) with France's ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-18

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