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... .亨德森(John Henderson)的獨特之處在於與繪畫保持一定距離,藉此質疑人們對創作的浪漫想像、觀賞作 ...全文


Where Hato is no match to MTRC

... lly after Henderson Land bought a Middle Road car park through a land tender for HK$4.7 billion three years ago. Interestingly, three months ago, the Lee Shau-kee flagship took over the Murray Buildin ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-24


... 罰球高手佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)也讚阿諾特,「他去年已很出色,今年更上一層樓!」 阿諾特月前才續約5年 ...全文


Hung Hom eatery famous for HK-style burgers shuts shop

... scheme is Henderson Land Development, which is controlled by tycoon Lee Shau Kee. Si Sun was the first restaurant to make hamburgers in Hong Kong, even earlier than the McDonald's chain, with a famous ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-15

Nano Edition 178, the red-hot new home in Hong Kong

... rnered by Henderson Land’s Novum West project in Sai Wan earlier this year. Edition 178 is being developed by Team Worldwide, a private firm owned by the granddaughter of Nan Fung Development's late f ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-11

Bicycle parking investment, anyone?

... illion to Henderson Land for 427 bicycle parking spaces.  The deal is part of an HK$86 million transaction that Law Chu-hung paid to acquire 47 parking lots, 52 motorcycle lots and the bicycle parking ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-01

CNN will have a new home in Wong Chuk Hang

... . In May, Henderson Land paid US$3 billion (HK$23.28 billion) for a Murray Road property in Central, making it the world’s most expensive commercial site in terms of per-square-foot cost. In case you ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

逾半世紀產91億噸 面積如千個香港

... 的南太平洋亨德森島(Henderson Island)估計有約3770萬件垃圾隨洋流沖上岸,當地塑膠垃圾密度冠 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月21日

Do these CY people belong in the hall of fame, or shame?

... dings and Henderson Land) and the rise of other developers – smaller developers and mainland-based developers which have been very active in Hong Kong land auctions in the past two years. Now all eyes ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-03


一個數百年以來無人居住的小島,竟然充滿人類垃圾,這樣諷刺的事,發生在南太平洋的赫德遜島(Henderson I ...全文


籲降回報預期 防範風險來襲

... 。目前是Janus Henderson Global Unconstrained債券基金投資經理的「債王」格羅 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年06月09日

Property firms begin showing more concern toward their staff

... pment and Henderson Land, also in the five-day work week camp -- New World shifted to 5-day week years ago, while Henderson Land will make the transition on July 1 -- we will soon have the city's top ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-02

Why it's getting harder to find homes under 10K/sq ft

... illion of Henderson Land for a Murray Road property in Central. Hong Kong's housing crisis has its roots going back to 50 years, but the problem worsened in the past decade. A low-interest-rate enviro ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-01

駿利亨德森合併 力拓亞洲業務

... )與同業亨德森集團(Henderson Group plc)合併,於5月31日完成,合併後,新集團改名為Jan ...全文


Why people who drive to work in Central are worried

... hau-kee's Henderson Land is paying HK$23.28 billion for the property, aiming to redevelop the site into a top-class office tower. With the cost translating to HK$50,064 per square foot in terms of pot ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-18


昨天刊登的澳洲塔斯馬尼亞大學研究發現,人煙罕至的南太平洋亨德森島(Henderson Island)估計有約3 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年05月17日

Even Rex Tso can't beat property developers

... launch of Henderson Land’s Novum West in Sai Ying Pun on Monday, but he didn't seem as confident when it comes to buying his own home. The 29-year-old Wonder Kid says he is still renting a flat on Hon ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02


... dan Brian Henderson),共跑了106.49 公里,差不多是三個全馬的距離。至於奔跑速度最快的 ...全文



... 得去年10月亨德森(Henderson)與Janus合併,共花費200億美元,旨在利用雙方在全球不同國家/地區 ...全文


Triads make big bucks on Lee Shau-kee love nests

... y rent to Henderson Land, the 75 per cent owner of the building which chose to leave the premises vacant. Tycoon Lee Shau-kee is patiently waiting to get to the 80 per cent threshold before he can ren ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

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