
共 379 個結果
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CCF panel to discuss financial grant for modular homes project

... ject from Henderson Land Development. The lease will last two years, for a token fee of HK$1. – Contact us at [email protected] KN/RC ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-01

多國政局頻翻波 債王跣低揩大鑊

... 森投資(Janus Henderson)環球無限制債券基金,資產淨值跌了3%【圖2】。 「債王」千算萬算可能 ...全文


Elliott霸氣收購 軟件商無得鬥

... 亨德森(Janus Henderson)、摩根士丹利、Wellington Management及普信集團(T ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年05月10日

Li Ka-shing keeps buying his company's shares

... rties and Henderson Land also suffered similar losses. Despite soaring home prices, property counters are expected to face headwind when Hong Kong starts following the Fed's rate adjustments later thi ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-17

阿彌陀佛 好波好波

... 方有隊長佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)停賽和安利簡恩(Can)受傷,中場的堵截能力頓時下降。 荷蘭球星韋拿杜 ...全文



... 出意外,佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)或艾歷迪亞(Dier)預計會取代卡尼,戴起隊長臂章。前曼城守護神赫特連 ...全文


特朗普鋼鋁關稅影響 基金減持美股

...  不過,Janus Henderson Investors全球資產配置主管Ashwin Alankar持相反看 ...全文



... 在內華達州亨德森市(Henderson)的梅爾頓(Wendell Melton),去年11月與繼子焦萬尼(Gi ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 關聯瑣事林伊2018年03月10日

The biggest thing HNA should be grateful for

...  month to Henderson Land for HK$15.95 billion, leaving it with only one plot at the site. In both cases, HNA Group, headquartered in Haikou, Hainan, made a profit. The lot sold to Wheelock had been ac ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09

Liaison Office sits on huge paper gain from Island West homes

... illion to Henderson Land chairman Lee Shau-kee for the entire 48-unit residential building in Sai Wan. It is believed that the price of the property has doubled, thanks to surging home prices over the ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-23

Empire Group gives hope of rebirth to Mariners’ Club

... as beaten Henderson Land, Sino Land, Regal Hotel and Lai Sun Development in the private tender for around HK$6 billion, according to local press reports. The tender offers Empire a 50-year deal to ope ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-12


... 監柏涵(Brian Henderson)說,除考慮租金外,太古坊一帶環境理想,加上可把該公司位於中區的兩個辦事 ...全文



... 森投資(Janus Henderson)的財富管理經理、「債王」格羅斯(Bill Gross)重申,債市已陷入 ...全文



駿利亨德森投資(Janus Henderson)的財富管理經理、「債王」格羅斯(Bill Gross)在今年第 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金口一開2018年01月13日

美國債息創9個月新高 格羅斯:債券熊市來臨

...  目前在Janus Henderson管理債券基金的格羅斯,周二在社交媒體Twitter貼文,認為5年期與10 ...全文


What the first 2018 home sale launch tells us about the market

... 's rivals Henderson Land and New World Development raised prices for their joint-venture project Double Cove in Wu Kai Sha by as much as 13 percent to the range of HK$16,000 and HK$18,000. Well, we ca ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-04

Could container homes as a housing option work in Hong Kong?

... alks with Henderson Land to build container homes for families on the waiting list for public housing. The average wait time for a public housing flat is now close to five years, and there are more th ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13


... 巴廚子Fergus Henderson。 高朋滿座 9月底我剛抵步,搬進「愛爾拔都會」自然歷史博物館附近,發覺 ...全文


紅軍超人 難敵正義聯盟

... 這邊廂,佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)直言唔贏唔好彩,那邊廂,干地(Conte)不以為然反擊:「紅軍靠好彩先 ...全文


The making of Stock God and his philanthropy

Call it an index-linked donation. Tycoon Lee Shau-kee said he would donate HK$1 billion (US$128 million) to charity every year after the Hang Seng Index closed at 30,000. The Henderson Land chairman m ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-23

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