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監管壓力增 安本股息危

... 機制愈來愈嚴格,促使Henderson Investment收購駿利Janus Capital並搬到紐約去。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年11月30日

HNA snaps up former Hong Kong airport site for US$1.1 bln

... ng Kong’s Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. and Wheelock Properties Ltd., and mainland buyers such as China Overseas Land & Investment and China Vanke Co., according to a Lands Department announ ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04


Henderson認為特殊學生需要和普通學生多接觸,並且嘗試在正規課室接受教育,因為這有助他們將來和社會接軌, ...全文



... illiam W. Henderson,他本身是失明人士,亦正正是自身的一些缺陷,他體會到針對性及高規格的特殊 ...全文


英加賭場「結婚」 好與壞博一鋪

... CEO James Henderson在今年7月被炒。 總部設於加拿大Montreal,於Toronto St ...全文


Nam Sang Wai could be lost forever

... der way. Henderson Land Development and Macau's billionaire Fu family want to build 29 apartment blocks and 140 houses in the area. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-20

Why you'd be better off throwing your car in the junkyard

... uen Long, Henderson Land just sold 44 car parking lots, with the highest price of HK$1.54 million. That's about the same price as a studio flat in a public estate. As far as prices are concerned, it's ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-17

忘掉過去 放眼未來

... 大,畢竟佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)控球能力不強,拉爾拉拿(Lallana)又不善守。曼聯卻能以完整陣容上 ...全文


How MPF costs could be further reduced

... r between Henderson and Janus can provide some insight. London-based asset manager Henderson Group agreed to buy US fund operator Janus Capital Group. At present, 80 percent of Janus’s clients are in ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-11

成本與表現 投資致勝關鍵

... 後五成的英國亨德森(Henderson),居然收購美國金融機構駿利(Janus),更成為合併公司的控股股東!皆 ...全文


A bed excuse to blame the housing issue

... time when Henderson Land is launching 44-square-foot bedrooms in its signature H Collection residential project Park One in Cheung Sha Wan, Yau's very own district. The rooms are in four-bedroom flats ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Henderson併駿利 不合理中的合理

... 這也是周一宣布合併的Henderson Group 和駿利(Janus Capital)的目標。 兩家公司說這 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月05日

亨德森併駿利 管理資產2.5萬億

英國資產管理公司亨德森全球投資(Henderson Global Investors)昨天宣布,收購「債王」格 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月04日

Home small home

...  smaller. Henderson Land sold out its small but expensive One Prestige development in North Point for a minimum of HK$3.87 million. It is all good except the units are only 163 square feet, the tinies ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-29

英M1上升 反映脫歐不確定性

... 的關係似乎不言而喻。Henderson Global Investors的經濟學家Simon Ward說: 「 ...全文


Why mainland investors are flooding into Hong Kong

... 7.HK) and Henderson Land Development (00012.HK) are likely to benefit from a property market recovery. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Sept. 6 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chin ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-06

禁區範圍 朗尼勿進

... i)入替佐敦軒達臣(Henderson),為卡尼供應彈藥,朗尼移後與艾歷迪亞(Dier)組雙防中,雖然阿里用突 ...全文


亞洲房託受捧 基金着眼賺息

... 英國基金公司亨德森(Henderson Global Investors),其環球地產股票基金聯席主管白朗佳( ...全文


無得你揀 全力「留歐」!

... re)、佐敦軒達臣(Henderson)、占美華迪(Vardy)等人如此不爭氣,連實力平平的斯洛伐克也贏不了, ...全文


Did Uncle Four just take over the most infamous HK sex hostels?

Shortly after clearing Ma Shi Po farmland this week, Henderson Land appeared to have scored another success in taking possession of a landmark building notorious for housing sex workers. To be fair, t ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-15

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