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... 大學的憲制改革中心(Centre on Constitutional Change)出版的報告《蘇格蘭的新選擇 ...全文


澳洲未來五年發展 悉尼及布里斯班潛力無限

... ecreation Centre等多個大型公共休閒空間。而悉尼著名的Bronte、Bondi及Coogee海灘 ...全文


【利安特約】多倫多旺市Thornhill豪華聯排別墅 舉家移加首選

...  Shopping Centre,正正是是華人超市大統華(T&T)在東岸的第一分店所在地。由項目出發, ...全文


Diversifying talents to help HK thrive as a financial hub

Our world, amid the pandemic, is fraught with economic uncertainty, but our technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. To secure Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre, we must ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

China and U.S. go for 'grey war', not shooting war

...  the Asia Centre, Paris and at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in Hong Kong. “The China of Xi Jinping is more willing to take risks than that of Deng Xiaoping or even Mao to reach ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-18

China and U.S. go for 'grey war', not shooting war

...  the Asia Centre, Paris and at the French Centre for Re ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年11月18日


... 英國的精神健康中心(Centre for Mental Health)的副總裁Andy Bell指出,多讓病人 ...全文



... overnance Centre)主任Wyn Jones所以認為,英國國家的未來充滿不確定性,主要原因是蘇格蘭 ...全文


荷蘭樓價連升八載 第二季飆逾一成

... 阿姆斯特丹的中心區(Centre),可發展地皮十分有限,但住宅需求殷切,特別是其邊緣地帶,既靠近市中心,又可享 ...全文


諾獎得主馬拉拉 英家中舉辦婚禮

... rformance Centre)總經理馬里克(Asser Malik)。 馬拉拉於2014年僅17歲時獲得諾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年11月11日

【利安特約】避風港移澳啟航 悉尼Epping樓王移民投資都適合!

... ping Town Centre計劃」為整個鐵路站旁的54公頃範圍升級為一個高密度商業區,包括提升基建及綠化地 ...全文


The mind-blowing M+

... Eye, Xiqu Centre with Southbank Centre and many delicious Borough Market-like restaurants. One can almost immediately tell M+ is the baby of Herzog & de Meuron, who designed Tate Modern in London ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-27

Policy decisions drive Taiwan investors out of China

... lies data centre servers to Facebook and Google. Covid has been a bonanza for Taiwan since it greatly increased the demand for the equipment used for remote working. Last year exports grew 4.9 per cen ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-25

伯明翰市中心大改造 華人區受惠
樓價只及倫敦四成 新式分層增添時尚

... 中心核心(City Centre Core)南面的華人區,屬Southside的一部分,範圍是Bristol ...全文


Quarantine rules threaten Hong Kong’s competitiveness

The severity of Hong Kong’s quarantine restrictions and the lack of a timetable to phase them out is threatening the city’s role as a centre of Asia-Pacific operations of foreign companies, the Europe ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

醫護城區 專才青睞

...  Shopping Centre,內有40多個商戶,包括大型超市、蔬果店、銀行、郵局、藥房、眼鏡店、乾衣店和食 ...全文


HK steps up push to build IT ecosystem

...  Services Centre will be expanded to cover Lau Fau Shan. The Government will also consider plans to build landmark IT facilities with a scale comparable to Cyberport. Expansion of Science Park’s capac ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-07

For Macao casinos, nothing will be the same

...  gambling centre in the world. Under the policy, all six must rebid for their licences, known as concessions, when they expire next June. Announcing the policy, Lei Wai Nong, Macao’s Secretary for Eco ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-05

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