
共 580 個結果
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Why it's getting harder to find homes under 10K/sq ft

... th of a million Hong Kong dollars. It is getting harder to find new property listings at below HK$10,000 per square foot. Now, what do we tell those seeking a roof over their head, especially the youn ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-01

As US retreats, EU and China seek climate leadership at summit

China and the European Union will seek on Friday to save an international pact against climate change that US President Donald Trump appears to be set to pull out of. As China emerges as Europe's unli ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-01

US might ban laptops on all flights in and out of country

The United States might ban laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country as part of a ramped-up effort to protect against potential security threats, US Homeland Security Se ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-29

US, China reach deals on access for beef, financial services

The United States and China will expand trade in beef and chicken and increase access for financial firms, as part of a plan to reduce the massive US trade deficit with Beijing, US Commerce Secretary ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-12

US to arm Syrian Kurds fighting Islamic State amid Turkey ire

Despite fierce opposition from NATO ally Turkey, US President Donald Trump has approved supplying arms to Kurdish YPG fighters to support an operation to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic S ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-10

Jeff Bezos @ Amazon聰明選擇

... 季軍,在冠軍首善Bill Gates及Zara老闆Amancio Ortega之後,排在銀髮股神Warren ...全文


Why Jack Ma thinks we'll see more pain than happiness in future

You are not Jack Ma if you cannot impress your audience with some golden quotes that challenge your orthodox thinking. At an entrepreneurship conference in Zhengzhou, the Alibaba chairman made a point ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-25

Trump's missing 'armada': Strategic smokescreen or bluffing?

... Asia at full speed in response to the escalating North Korean nuclear aggression. It also said two more aircraft carriers, the USS Ronald Reagan and Nimitz, had also set off toward the region to stren ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-24

Facebook eyes technology to communicate by thought and touch

... h shop, called Building 8, to conduct long-term work that might lead to hardware products, Reuters reports. In charge of the unit is Regina Dugan, who led a similar group at Alphabet Inc.'s Google and ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-20

North Korea threatens pre-emptive nuclear strike

North Korea will launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike if it deems the United States is preparing to attack, a senior official told the BBC. "If the US is planning a military attack against us, we will ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18


... tter v. Bollinger一案中裁定,雖然公立學校無權以定量(quantitative)的分數、配額等 ...全文


Trump says poison gas attack in Syria crossed many lines

... , which killed at least 70 people, many of them children, "crosses many, many lines", an allusion to his predecessor Barack Obama's threat to topple Assad with air strikes if he used such weapons. "I ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-06

Over 200 dead as flooding destroys homes in Colombia

Families and rescuers searched desperately through mud-plastered rubble for victims of flooding and landslides in Colombia that have killed at least 210 people, injured hundreds and devastated entire ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

I did it my way!

... 邪?我當場O嘴。Well,這當然只是一個毫無根據的謠言,即使真有議員唱完My Way就出事,大概也是因為得罪人 ...全文



... soft工作時跟Bill Gates相遇,1994年結婚後當全職主婦,生了3個孩子。2000年,Bill &a ...全文



... k之時,一首名為I'll Be Your Everything榮登Billboard榜首,此首單曲由他主唱,更 ...全文



... 諾文的Especially for you及Sealed With A Kiss等,俱為歷久常新的洗腦金曲。 ...全文


Lew Mon-hung runs down CE hopeful Lam after release from prison

... wn an unwillingness to listen to others' opinions.  Lam has never apologized to the public or promised to conduct reviews on controversial decisions during her time as a senior civil servant in the Le ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-28

After tight budget, Paul Chan spends HK$2 mln on home renovation

... ed HK$2 million on renovating his 40,000 square foot official residence in Shouson Hill. It was Apple Daily that broke the news again – the same newspaper that has brought us other juicy, if unflatter ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-27

Trump to 'tweak' trade ties with Canada

President Donald Trump said on Monday the United States would be "tweaking" its trade relationship with Canada, stopping short of calling for a major realignment in a development likely to please visi ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-14

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