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作為土生土長老香港,有幾間銀行的服務從來唔會考慮,皆因怕死。老占的公司戶口一直開在古天樂銀行,貴為So-Cal ...全文


WeLab融資12億 阿里創業者基金追投

首批香港虛擬銀行營運者之一WeLab宣布,完成超過12億元(即1.56億美元)的C輪戰略融資,為2019年大中 ...全文


Ping An unit OneConnect cuts IPO by 28%, lowers target valuation

Ping An Insurance’s fintech unit OneConnect Financial Technology on Wednesday downsized its planned US initial public offering by 28 percent and lowered its target valuation, Reuters reports. OneConne ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

看似合理 輸了時機

一般公司的老細嘴裏成日話創新,通常他們所謂的創新,會分為四個階段。第一,先派人去做調查,DD,研究,再確認這個 ...全文


Competition in the digital world: The dinosaurs that evolved

It's a common narrative in some circles: established banks are dinosaurs about to be disrupted. This story seems intuitive because it echoes the disruption we've seen in other industries, from the way ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

Global financial watchdogs take aim at Big Tech's data dominance

Google, Alibaba and other “Big Tech” companies could be forced to share data on financial services customers with banks and financial technology firms to prevent unfair competition. As Facebook’s plan ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09


2019年,既是《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》(《大灣區綱要》)頒布、國際一流灣區和世界級城市群部署在望的年份, ...全文


New Trend for FinTech

近日科技巨頭紛紛跨界涉足金融業,如Facebook計劃明年推出名為Libra的數碼貨幣。Libra可能會削弱央 ...全文



國際專業交易會主辦商Reed MIDEM及美國房地產科企MetaProp NYC合辦的「MIPIM全球初創比賽 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年11月28日

香港首間手沖日本茶舍 尋求平衡 調和不同

中國是茶的故鄉,數千年來,文人雅士促膝品茗,和而不同。一如清代陳鳴遠的「束柴三友壺」,雖將「歲寒三友」松、 竹 ...全文


香港經濟需轉型 金融科技有前景

上周兩家美資大行發表對明年經濟增長較樂觀的報告,另一家美資基金日前發表了另一個較長期睇法的報告,摩根資產管理發 ...全文


How Bakkt aims to build digital asset ecosystem and consumer app

Bakkt, a digital asset-focused startup affiliated with the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), listed its much-awaited Bitcoin Futures contracts ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-26


最近阿里巴巴(09988)來港第二上市,集資最多134億美元,令全城哄動,而作為另一科技巨頭騰訊控股(0070 ...全文


應對AI大局 歐盟研科技法律2.0

歐盟患了「數碼頭痛」病。歐洲在二十世紀末曾是資訊及通訊科技的世界領袖,如今卻在數碼領域被排除出領導地位。如果你 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野Dimitar Lilkov2019年11月16日

UK challenger bank Tandem plans to launch in Hong Kong this year

Tandem, the UK challenger bank co-founded by fintech veteran Ricky Knox, is gearing up to expand into Hong Kong before the end of the year, as part of its international growth plans. In an exclusive i ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-12

Blockchain not suitable for China's digital currency: PBoC

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for the stepped-up development of blockchain technology in the country. But even if the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) is considering coming up with its own digi ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-08


過去20年,隨着互聯網的蓬勃發展,新一輪的科技浪潮已逐漸滲透到各行各業,顛覆了音樂、零售及運輸等多個傳統領域。 ...全文


HKMA studying risks and benefits of having own digital currency

During an event marking Hong Kong FinTech Week on Wednesday, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority revealed that it has been conducting a research project to study the application of a central bank digital ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07


創新及科技局局長楊偉雄出席活動致詞時表示,在香港政府及監管機構努力下,本港金融科技(FinTech)企業已超過 ...全文


How banks will benefit from open API

The idea of sharing customer data has made banks justifiably worried, but they can leverage open API (application programming interface) mandates to their advantage. Financial institutions are accusto ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

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